Saturday, August 22, 2020

Acquainted with the Night by Robert Frost Essay Example for Free

Familiar with the Night by Robert Frost Essay Strolling alone around evening time, for a few, can appear to be a serene activity, to help clear a person’s brain and let the day’s inconveniences vanish into the dim. For other people, however, the night is the point at which an individual feels the most alone and must face their own evil presences. Robert Frost causes the night to turn into that dim, horrid and discouraging time in which individuals ponder themselves in his sonnet â€Å"Acquainted with the Night†. The first run through perusing the sonnet, one just thinks an individual is going for a stroll around evening time in the city, minding themself's own business when meeting the guard and tuning in to the sounds in the city around, at the same time keeping time by the moon in the sky with respect to when to head back home. However, when investigating, the peruser can start to see the agony, pain and the premonition feeling the speaker has about existence itself, the sentiment of being separated from everyone else and liking it to remain as such. It additionally shows that the speaker isn’t the main individual with torment and distress on this night. The subject of Robert Frost’s sonnet â€Å"Acquainted with the Night† is gloom and anguish in the speakers’ individual life. Ice reveals to us this by utilizing imagery and tone in the lines of the sonnet. â€Å"I have exited in downpour †and back in downpour. † The second line in the sonnet tells the peruser that whatever inconveniences the speaker is having or has had is such a great amount for this individual, that when they stroll in the night, it doesn’t matter what the climate is, they will walk and walk the entire night through the downpour, attempting to out walk their difficulties. The downpour can likewise represent life itself, continually pouring one thing after another on an individual, one worry after another, one anguish after another, and here and there regardless of how solid an individual is, they can never escape from that downpour. The accompanying line, â€Å"I have outwalked the uttermost city light. † tells the peruser, in the strict sense, that the speaker likewise couldn't care less about the separation with respect to which they will stroll to attempt to desert their difficulties. Or then again it can represent that regardless of how far an individual goes throughout everyday life, there is consistently inconvenience pausing. I have looked down the saddest city path. † shows the peruser that the speaker, however genuinely alone, isn’t such alone in the horridness of life. The path the speaker is looking down gives the peruser the image that it is run down, deserted nearly and even most likely neediness stricken. The peruser sees that the speaker isn’t the just one with inconvenience and misery, it encompasses the speaker however the he considers himself to be distant from everyone else in that he is enveloped with his own sentiments and considerations. In any event, when the speaker passes the gatekeeper on the treet, he doesn’t need to clarify why he is out around evening time and turns away his eyes so that perhaps he will get by without being halted. The speaker needs to keep the isolation he has in his brain unblemished so he needs to stay away from addressing the gatekeeper. The lines 7 through 10 go more inside and out of the speakers’ sentiments of isolation and detachment while he is out in the night: â€Å"I have stopped and halted the sound of feet When distant an intruded on cry Came over houses from another road, howe ver not to get back to me or state great bye;† The seventh line shows that the speaker truly is in solitude out there when strolling; there are no different hints of individuals strolling or going about on the road he is strolling down. The speaker strolling alone reflects how he feels in his regular day to day existence, alone, nobody to stroll with him and assume the difficulties of life. Yet, he isn’t excessively far away from others since he can hear a cry from another lost soul managing their own unrest. The lines 8 to 9 make the whole sonnet seem to be practically terrible, on the grounds that the peruser then considers what sort of cry is it that the speaker is hearing? Is the sound of some wrongdoing? Or on the other hand simply one more individual in and managing their own hellfire? At that point the last lines of the sonnet bring home the dreary tone of the whole piece. Line 11, â€Å"And further still at an absurd height† represents how the speaker feels about how far off and withdrawn he is with his environmental factors and conceivably with life itself. The lines 12 and 13, â€Å"One illuminating presence clock against the sky/Proclaimed the time was neither wrong nor right. † causes the peruser to feel the dim tone of the sonnet much more. The peruser, now, is carried nearer to comprehension the speaker’s sentiment of forlornness and isolation since that is the means by which a great many people feel, regardless of when it will be, it is never the opportune time or an inappropriate time for nearly anything. It feels as though one can never make the correct call with respect to when to accomplish something in their life that is significant. The line 13 makes the peruser wonder if the speaker is thinking about self destruction, that the speaker is thinking about whether the time is ever directly for ending it all, or is it ever directly for living. The rehashed line â€Å"I have been one familiar with he night† as the first and last lines of the sonnet is the last piece that truly establishes the pace of haziness for the sonnet overall. Night is normally familiar with dimness, terrifying things, dejection, isolation, misery and even wretchedness. So the straightforward line uncovers the profundity of the failure of the speaker not having the option to discover things in the same manner as people around him, not having the option to open up and talk about himself and his emotions and considerations. He experiences known difficulty and torment, and doesn’t realize how to desert it, so he conveys it with him so that in any event, during the day, he feels as though he is consistently in the dimness of night. By and large, Frost’s sonnet â€Å"Acquainted with the Night† is a sonnet that can be taken just actually, or emblematically. It relies upon the sort of point of view every individual that peruses the sonnet has. Some probably won't see the imagery of the sentiments of obscurity, disconnection and sadness, while others see it immediately. Be that as it may, in any case, the peruser can at present feel the dim tone of the sonnet whether it is the first run through understanding it, or the hundredth, just from the earliest starting point and completion lines, â€Å"I have been one familiar with the night†.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

To Propose A Design For A Cognitive Neuroscience Study On A Topic That

To Propose A Design For A Cognitive Neuroscience Study On A Topic That To Propose A Design For A Cognitive Neuroscience Study On A Topic That Interests You â€" Assignment Example > There has been considerable controversy amongst neuroscientists over the last 25 years over the cognitive and neural organization of long-term memory. Tulving proposed the fractionation of memory into two different types, episodic and semantic in one of the earliest and most influential theories of long-term memory (Grahama et al. , 2000). Episodic memory refers to our repository of personally experienced events, the retrieval of which needs conscious recollection of the exact temporal partial setting of an episode from the past. On the other hand, semantic memory applies to our store of culturally-shared general knowledge regarding the world including the meaning of words, facts, concepts, objects and people. This kind of information does not need recollection of when and where it was learnt initially unlike episodic memory (Tulving, 2009). According to Grahama et al. (2000), episodic and semantic memory were considered in Tulvign’s original conception of long-term memory psych ologically and neurologically different, a dichotomy reflecting the manner in which human brain is supposed to obtain, process, and store information. Initially, it was thought that patients with amnesia who show impaired new episodic learning although the fractionation spared semantic knowledge however, this view have been challenged by recent studies. Nyberg Tulving (2006) assert that Tulving revised his model so as to account for the evidence against a simple dissociation between episodic and semantic memory suggesting that episodic memory is a subsystem of semantic memory and is, hence, reliant upon the integrity of semantic knowledge. This hierarchical view has been expanded by the most recent instantiation of his theory known as SPI- Serial encoding, Parallel storage, and Independent retrieval. There are four main groups of cognitive memory system in this theory including perceptual representation; semantic; working; and episodic memory. This theory has three crucial premis es including: (1) information is encoded into system serially, with encoding in one system dependent upon output from the previous stage (Nyberg Tulving, 2006). (2) Information can be stored in different systems in parallel; and (3) information in different systems can be retrieved independently without any impacts on retrieval of information from other systems. This concept describes why an amnesia patient- deficit of episodic memory- may still be capable of retrieving semantic information that was acquired earlier in life. Parkin (2005) stipulates that due to the fact that there was inadequate evidence until recently that patients could be presented with a selective impairment to semantic memory Tulving’s prediction regarding the dependence of new learning on semantic memory has never been tested specifically. A newly described syndrome called semantic dementia, which results in a progressive, relatively selected deterioration of semantic memory has rectified this situation. A century ago, pick noted that patients with neurodegenerative disease could show a focal cognitive deficit like impaired language (Parkin, 2005). Mesulam reported six patients with slowly progressing aphasia, some of whom showed fluent and articulate speech which notably consisted of few word contents some 90 years following this initial description. This economic pattern has been illustrated to reflect a progressive breakdown in the central store of semantic memory affecting both and non-verbal aspects of conceptual skills about objects, concepts, people, facts, and the meaning of words.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Analysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved - 1547 Words

Toni Morrison’s Beloved extends beyond a description of individuals held captive by their past through the exploration of human responses to slavery. The manipulation of language and its controlled absence reinforces the mental enslavement that persists after individuals are freed from physical bondage. It is when language is amplified into song that an individual or community may free themselves from the constraints of mental enslavement, therefore enabling their ability to claim ownership of themselves and the existence of a future and progress. Despite the great physical abuses present in Beloved, the power white individuals exert over language is the main mechanism employed to preserve the institution of slavery. The enforced removal of language is readily apparent in devices such as the iron tongue. The preclusion of speech instills a â€Å"wildness where before there wasn’t any† (71) in victims of the bit by demoting the individual to a lower stage of physical development, while cognitive maturity is retained. Although the bit is a physical violation, it is the complete restriction of language that incites such â€Å"wildness†. Sethe is able to bear the chokecherry tree on her back because it is a physical manifestation of power. The mindset created by the lack of access to words, however, binds the African American community to slavery. The function of language as a force that preserves slavery is augmented through the use of slaves to produce the manipulated words. Not only doShow MoreRelatedAnalys is Of Morrison s Beloved, By Toni Morrison Essay941 Words   |  4 PagesMorrison and Twain each present freed slave mothers as self-sacrificing. Each woman s traumatic experiences as slaves create a deep fear of her children s enslavement. In Morrison s Beloved, Sethe is so distressed by her past; she murders her child to save her from slavery. Morrison uses Sethe s drastic sacrifice to comment on slavery s psychological effects. Meanwhile, Twain s Pudd n Head Wilson portrays Roxy as a sacrificial mother to create sympathy for black people. From a culturalRead MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved1458 Words   |  6 Pagesinequality between races, classes, and genders. Toni Morrison’s novel Beloved is a story that truly shows how oppressive slavery was during the setting of the book. Similarly to the inequality faced during the time of slavery, while Morrison was writing the her novel the issue of women’s equality was present, and being fought for. Morrison, t hrough Beloved, is able to show the world her views on inequality, and how it is still present in life today. Morrison is African American, she was born into a familyRead MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved1615 Words   |  7 PagesIn her novel Beloved, Toni Morrison utilizes a circular narrative to emphasize the similarities, or lack thereof, between her characters. In Philip Page’s article, â€Å"Circularity in Toni Morrison’s Beloved,† he writes, â€Å"The plot is developed through repetition and variation of one or more core-images in overlapping waves... And it is developed through... the spiraling reiteration of larger, mythical acts such as birth, death, rebirth, quest-journeys, and the formation and disintegration of families†Read MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved1200 Words   |  5 Pages â€Å"We’ve all got both light and dark inside of us. What matters is the part we choose to act on (Sirius Black) †. Toni Morrison’s novel Beloved dedicates her novel to the 60 million and more exposed to the darkness within the people set out to hurt them. The novel depicts how cruelty leads ex-slaves to make irrational decisions and shape the people they are at the end . The cruelty inflicted on one including but not limited to slavery causes a chain reaction of hatred, pain and suffering and theRead MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved943 Words   |  4 Pages It is within human nature to fear that which we do not understand. In Toni Morrison’s Beloved, this idea is explored through the lens of racial discrimination. In this passage, Morrison uses animal imagery as a means to criticize the whites’ dehumanization and subsequent fear of the blacks. With a focus on this inherent, primal fear, this section stresses the novel’s theme of the â€Å"Other† and reinforces the existence of racial prejudice. While this piece of the narrative emphasizes that this â€Å"othering†Read MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved1323 Words   |  6 PagesToni Morrison’s Beloved is a masterwork of fiction that allows the reader to have many different experiences based on the novels that you pair the book with. When you read Beloved in a modernist light you get a story with slightly different themes then if you read it through a feminist lens. It is a credit to Morrison that her thoughtfully crafted piece of art is a ble to stand on it own in so many varying ideas. One of the lens that doesn’t get discussed enough is the lens of African AmericanRead MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved1200 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"We’ve all got both light and dark inside of us. What matters is the part we choose to act on (Sirius Black) †. Toni Morrison’s novel Beloved dedicates her novel to the 60 million and more exposed to the darkness within the people set out to hurt them. The novel depicts how cruelty leads ex-slaves to make irrational decisions and shape the people they are at the end . The cruelty inflicted on one including but not limited to slavery causes a chain reaction of hatred, pain and suffering and the cycleRead MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved871 Words   |  4 Pagesvery important motif in both Morrison and Faulkner’s stories. In Beloved, the reader is presented with a sad and depressed portrait of Sethe. Her life seems dark and bleak. However , once Beloved enters into her life, the reader sees an apparent shift in Sethe as a character. She begins to see color again, and it is Beloved who brings about this sudden transformation (Beloved, 65). And in the end, after Beloved has left, Sethe states, â€Å"She was my best thing† (321). Beloved was her redeeming quality,Read MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved 702 Words   |  3 PagesWilliams 2 period Book by: Toni Morrison Book Titled: Beloved Beloved is about a lady they call Sethe who lives in Bluestone with her daughter Denver and her mother in law Baby Suggs. Fifteen years before the story starts, Sethe kills her baby because she was trying to keep her kids from being brought into slavery. The community knew about her killing her baby and judges her. Her sons Buglar and Howard left fifth teen years before the book started. After Baby Sugg s died, Denver and Sethe are aloneRead MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Beloved 1310 Words   |  6 Pages Mommy Issues: A â€Å"Beloved† Response Essay Late in 1987, after being inspired by a fellow story of a female fugitive slave, Toni Morrison pens a novel about a runaway slave and her children. Although Morrison’s â€Å"Beloved† quickly became a best-seller, and even has a movie adaption, it still left the audience with many unanswered questions. This novel not only gave a voice to those who were often silenced in the male stories of slavery, but it also perfectly exemplified the relationship was between

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Is Google Making Us Stupid - 1040 Words

Author Nicholas Carr poses the question â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid?† This has set off a debate on the effects the internet is having on our brains. Obviously the internet is here to stay, but is it making us scatterbrained? Are we losing the ability to think deeply? Criticism of the Web most often questions whether we are becoming more superficial and scattered in our thinking. In the July-August 2008 Atlantic magazine, Nicholas Carr published Is Google Making Us Stupid? ( Like other critics, he sees change as a loss and not as a gain. The benefits of the internet are real and they are plentiful, but Nicholas Carr says they come at a price. Nicholas Carr is an important voice today in†¦show more content†¦[But now] I see within us all (myself included) there placement of complex inner density with a new kind of self-evolving under the pressure of information overload and the technology of the instantly available. As an advocate for technology in higher education, I have heard similar warnings for years. Indeed, some who read Carr’s article may believe that he has hit the nail on the head. There is no question that our habits are changing. The Web has captured our attention and is now the default starting point for almost all work. The Web is different in almost all aspects from a book. Printed books have contained the essential truths of humanity for half a millennium. The Web is where we look for knowledgeShow MoreRelatedIs Google Making Us Stupid?1240 Words   |  5 Pagesone idea to be represented in many different ways. Both Nicholas Carr’s article â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid?† and M.T Anderson’s novel Feed, the broad idea of the relationship between humans and technology is portrayed. Carr’s article complains of how technology changes the way we think. Carr instigates the idea that we are losing our passion for learning as a result of the internet and search engines such as Google. These advancements, Carr proposes, lead to a world where our intelligence â€Å"flattensRead MoreIs Google Making Us Stupid1140 Words   |  5 PagesIs Google Making Us Stupid In the Atlantic Magazine, Nicholas Carr wrote an article, â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid?† Carr poses a good question about how the internet has affected our brain, by remapping the neural circuitry and reprogramming our memory. Carr states, â€Å"My mind isn’t going—so far as I can tell-but it’s changing. I’m not thinking the say way I used to think.† Carr went on farther, saying that he cannot read as long as he used to, his concentration starts to wonder after two or threeRead MoreIs Google Making Us Stupid?920 Words   |  4 Pagesa different perspective than that of Manuel Castells. In â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid?† Carr believes the Internet has taken the foundation out of learning, socializing and reading. Coupled with Manuel Castells, Nicholas Carr agrees that the Internet has been of good use in some cases (Wikipedia for the many hours of research conducted for its database that we access) but he also believes the Internet is slowly making him and us stupid. Carr says â€Å"My mind now expects to take in information the wayRead MoreIs Google Making Us Stupid?1548 Words   |  7 Pagesindependent will and creative imagination. These gives us the ultimate human freedom†¦. The power to choose, to respond, to change (Independence Quotes. Brainy Quote. Xplore. Web. 16 Nov. 2015.).† The Declaration of In dependence allows people to do whatever they please as long as it’s within the law, but Google is restraining what people can really do. It may not seem that a search engine can limit people, but one needs to think about the many things Google consists of that doesn’t allow people to chooseRead MoreIs Google Making Us Stupid?1048 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿Is Google making us stupid? Three authors weigh in One of the most common clichÃÆ' ©s is that the Internet has robbed us of our attention spans and impeded our ability to communicate effectively. Once we could write properly, now we only text. Google has made us lazy in terms of how we research and access data. However, is this true? In three major news publications, three major essayists have grappled with this question and come to completely different conclusions. Although the neurological evidenceRead MoreIs Google Making Us Stupid?879 Words   |  4 PagesAmerican writer, Nicholas G. Carr, in The Atlantic July/ August 2008 Issue titled â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid?† argues that the amount of time we spend online, especially google, has caused us to lose our minds by â€Å"tinkering† with our brains, â€Å"reprograming our memory,† and changing the way in which we process information. Carr’s purpose is to contribute to the idea that â€Å"Google† along with other online tools, is programi ng us to be less attentive and to the inhibition of our critical thinking skills. GuidedRead More`` Is Google Making Us Stupid?1384 Words   |  6 Pagestechnology is changing the way we access information; anything is accessible in mere seconds. This implementation has resulted in the most aware society of all time. Most information is just a quick and simple Google search away. An article, written by Nicholas Carr â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid? â€Å" in a 2008 issue for The Atlantic magazine, questioned the negative cognitive effects of the world wide web. Carr recognizes how much we rely on the internet and believes that humanity needs reform. AccordingRead More`` Is Google Making Us Stupid?1505 Words   |  7 Pagescritically inspect both the positive and negative effects technology can have on development and cognition and all assert that technology is not as daunting as some make it out to be. However, some opinion based pieces such as Nicholas Carr’s â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid?† conclude that we should be apprehensive about technology advancing. The differences in outlook towards digital technology s future effect on the mind can best be seen in how authors view technology as a source of distraction, hypertextRead MoreIs Google Making Us Stupid?733 Words   |  3 Pages Nicholas Carrs article, â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid?† makes points that I agree with, although I find his sources to be questionable. The article discusses the effects that the Internet may be having on our ability to focus, the difference in knowledge that we now have, and our reliance on the Internet. The points that are made throughout Carrs article are very thought provoking but his sources make them seem invaluable. Carr discusses the effects that the Internet has on our minds and the wayRead MoreIs Google Making Us Stupid894 Words   |  4 PagesIn his essay, â€Å"Is Google Making us Stupid,† Nicholas Carr addresses the fears that many people share about the World Wide Web: that it is rerouting our brains, making it difficult to concentrate effectively. Carr uses personal experiences about his loss of concentration that has become more evident after using the internet. Rather than reading texts in-depth, our brains have become accustomed to skimming over information. Carr’s view on technology is that by relying on knowledge that we are being

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Saturday, April 25, 2020

Marketing Baskin-Robbins free essay sample

Amul is the biggest brand in the pouched milk sector in the world and in India it is the biggest food brand. It was set up in 1946 and its full form is Anand Milk- producers Union Ltd. The Brand Amul is a movement in dairy cooperative in India. The management of the brand name is done by the Gujarat Co- operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd (GCMMF which is a cooperative organization. Amuls range of products includes milk, ghee, milk powders, curd, ice cream, paneer, cream, chocolate, cheese, butter, and shrikhand. Amul Ice Cream was launched on 10th March, 1996 in Gujarat. Now we have decided we will launch Amul Ice-Cream in Bangladesh which will include fat free ice cream and ice cream with different flavors. Amul ice cream will launch on the platform of ‘Real Milk’. ‘Real Ice Cream’ given that it is a milk company and the wholesomeness of its products gives it a competitive advantage. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Baskin-Robbins or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page BUSINESS PROFILE: A business profile is a marketing document designed to catch the attention of and inform potential purchaser about the company’s goods and services. AMUL has the largest distribution network among any FMCG company. AMUL is also the largest exporter of dairy products in the country. AMUL is available today in over 40 countries of the world. MISSION: Mission statement is a statement of the organization’s purpose and describes that what the organization wants to accomplish in the large environment. In other words it is a statement that spells out that what the company is, what it does and where is it headed. Amul is aimed to create an opportunity for its customers with variety of ice-creams and different taste of ice-creams. Its mission is to be the first ice-cream for the ice-cream lovers and to create the top position. Vision: Vision statement is a general statement of less intended direction that evokes emotional feeling in organizational members. It believes that within the next three years it will grow into a demanding ice-cream in BANGLADESH through careful business planning and implementation. The vision trigger will emphasize the premium quality of its products. OBJECTIVE: Our initial objective is to create awareness among 60% customers within 6 months. We will aware those customers who are conscious about their health. Customers can differentiate Amul from other competitors in terms of Service product quality, Dedication andVariety. Quality Service: We consider quality to be the cornerstone of our future success. Our production departments will be responsible for ensuring quality. Their objectives will be to make sure that product: Satisfy consumers’ needs. Can be produced cost efficiently. Operate in the way they should. Confirm to safety standards set by the legislations and independent b odies. Dedication: Our dedicated staffs set Amul from other similar businesses. Our company is dedicated towards the society, suppliers, consumers and employees. Our workers believe that every thing they do or don’t affect the customers. Variety: Amul offers a wide range of ice-cream suiting our customers’ needs and wants. We are planning to make fat free ice-creams. Current Market Share: Business Portfolio : The collection of business and products that make up the company. The company must: Analyze its current business portfolio and decide which business should receive more, less or no investment. Develop growth strategies for adding new products or business to the portfolio Bread spreads : Amul Butter Amul Lite Low Fat Bread spread Amul Cooking Butter Delicious Margarine Milk Powders: Amul Full Cream Milk Powder Amulya Dairy Whitener Amul Mithaimate Sweets : Amul Mithaee Khoya Gulabjamaun Amul Basundi Amul Taaza Toned Milk 3% fat Amul Gold Full Cream Milk 6% fat Amul Slim Trim Double Toned Milk 1. 5% fat Amul Saathi Skimmed Milk 0% fat Amul Cow Milk Curd Product: Amul Masti Dahi (fresh curd) Amul Lite Dahi Amul Lassee Amul ice cream Amul Chocolate Confectionery: Amul Fruit Nut Milk Drink Amul Kool Flavoured Milk (Mango, Strawberry, Saffron, Cardamom, Rose, Chocolate, Butterscotch) Amul Kool Cafe Amul Kool Koko Health Beverage Amul Shakti White Milk Food Strategic Business Unit: A unit of the company that has a separate mission objectives and that can be planned independently from other company business. A SBU can be a company division, a product line within a division or sometimes a single product or brand. BCG Matrix: The use of quantified performance measures and targets can be illustrated by an approach developed by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG). BCG, a nationally known management consulting firm, advises its client to locate the position of each of its SBU’s on a growth share matrix. BCG Matrix for SBU’s of AMUL Stars: It has high growth, high market share. Stars are leader in business. They also require heavy investment to maintain its larger market share. It leads to large amount of cash consumption cash generation. Attempts should be made to hold the market share otherwise the star will become a cash cows. Cash Cows: It has low growth, high market share. They are foundation of the company often the stars of yesterday. They generate more cash than required. They extract the profits by investing as little cash as possible. They are located in an industry that is mature, not growing or declining. Dogs: It has low growth, low market share. Dogs are cash traps, it do not have potential to bring in much cash. Number of dogs in the company should be minimized. Business is situated at a declining stage. Question marks: It has high growth, low market share. Most business starts with question marks. They will absorb great amount of cash if the market share remains unchanged. Question marks have potential to become stars and eventually cash cows but can also become a dogs. Investment should be higher for question mark. Amul ice cream is the most promising question mark SBU, which will eventually turn out to be a star, if investment is made on it. STARS Amul Butter Amul Tazza Amulya Dairy WhitnerQUESTION MARKS Amul Ice-Cream Amul Chocolate Amul Masti Dahi Mitha Mate CASH COWS Mozarella Cheese Amul Pizza Base Amul Tazza Fresh Milk DOGS Infant Milk Range Amul Shakti Nutramul Diversification: Diversification is the strategy for company growth starting up or acquiring business outside the company’s current products and markets. The goal of diversification is to reduce the risk in a portfolio. Diversification reduces both the upside and downside potential and allows for more consistent performance under a wide range of economic conditions. Amul’s Product Diversification: DairyNon DairyFresh milkVegetable OilMilk drinks desertSnacksBread SpreadInstant FoodCheese Products Diversification Strategies: Seeking unfamiliar products or markets or both in the pursuits of growth. Secrets of Amul’s Diversification Philosophy: Progressive addition of higher value products while maintaining the desired growth in existing products. Amul introduced products with consistent value addition but never left the core philosophy of â€Å"providing quality at a basic, affordable price†. Benefits of Diversification: Higher growth: Introducing new products to new segments according to consumer needs will lead to high market growth and economies of scale. Expansion of network: Wide network will help Amul products to reach maximum consumers. Advantages of each underline products Market segmentation: Market segmentation means, dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers who have distinct needs, characteristics, or behavior and who might require separate products or marketing programs. Customer based market segmentation: As a part of marketing activities we have divided our market into different sections. Demographic segment (age and gender) Geographic segment Psychographic segment Industry based segmentation: We will provide our ice cream according to these segments. Restaurant Confectionary and retailers’ shop Coffee shops Targeting: Targeting is the process of evaluating each market segment’s attractiveness and selecting one or more segments to enter. By collecting information and by consulting with people we have chosen our desired segments. We have targeted kids and youth from age group people women from gender division, these two groups are from demographic segment. From geographic segment we have targeted Chittagong and Dhaka regions for distributing our ice cream to the target customers. We will offer fat free ice cream which is specially made for health conscious people; these people are fallen into psychographic segment. Positioning: Positioning is arranging for a product to occupy a clear, distinctive and desirable place relative to competing products in the minds of target consumers. Amul ice cream is already very renowned in South Asian countries. People are accustomed with this product and are quite confident about its quality. Placing a product in that part of the market where it will receive a favorable reception compared to competing products. Low Priced Amul Ice Creams made Kwality Walls life hell. So Amul ice cream has a superior image in peoples mind than any other ice cream. Differentiation: It is actually differentiating the market offering to create superior customer value. To produce ice cream we use the major ingredient which is milk is supplied from our own dairy firm. So we ensure the best quality to our consumers, which differentiate our ice cream from other ice creams. Besides, we will try to make sure that people can get our product available at any quantity and size they want to consume. Marketing Mix : Marketing mix is the mix of controllable marketing variables that the firm uses to purse the desired level of sales in the target market, consists of four element product, pricing, channels of distribution (placement) and communication (promotion). A marketer who has selected a target market is able to plan a marketing mix to create successful exchanges with its members. Importance of Marketing Mix : The four marketing mix element are interrelated, decisions in one area affect action in another. To illustrate design of a marketing mix certainly affected by whether a firm chooses to complete on the basis of price on one or more other elements. When a firm relies on price as its primary competitive tool, the other elements must be designed to support aggressive pricing. Each marketing mix element contains countless alternatives. For instance, a producer may make market one product or many, and they may be related or unrelated to each others. The product(s) may be distributed through wholesalers, to retailers without the benefit of wholesalers, or even directly to final consumers. Ultimately, from the multitude of alternative, management must select a combination of elements that will satisfy target markets and achieve organizational and marketing goals. 4ps of Amul: Product : The actual good or service that a marketer offers a target market, also the many ways in which the good or service is enhanced to satisfy the customer. As we have mention before we will like to export Amul ice-cream to Bangladesh. It is non-durable consumer goods. We are looking forward to export sugar free ice-cream along with other regular ice-cream. The ice-cream like to exports are as follow: Amul Ice-cream : Vanilla Royale . Royal Treat Range : (butter scotch, rajbhag, malai kulfi) Nut-o- Mania Range : (Kaju draksh, kesar pista royale, fruit bonanza, raosted almpnd) Natures Treat : (Alphanso Mango, Fresh Litchi, Shahi Anjir, Fresh Strawberry, Black Currant, Fresh Pineapple. ) Sundae Range : (Chocobar, Dollies, Frostik, Ice-candies, Tricone, Choco-crunch, Mega bite, Cassatla. ) Utterly Delicious : (Vanila, Strawberry, Chocolate, Chocochips, Cake Magic. ) Specialty of our product is that, we are providing our customers with a wide verity of choice. And we are the first ones to offer fat-free ice-cream in Bangladesh and which will give us competitive advantage. The sugar free ice-cream of Amul will be produce by their fat-free products like skimmed milk and sugar free. Price : The element of the marketing mix that consists of setting prices that support the organization’s marketing strategy. Amul is aiming to follow low cost strategy. In case of exporting, Amul ice-cream in Bangladesh we are planning to add a value of 15% after calculating our production and transportation cost. At the same time we are determine not to set the price much lower than the competitors price, because this might be hamper our brand image. In one word we can say that for setting the price of Amul ice-cream we will follow both cost based pricing and competitors based pricing. Place: Place is the element of the marketing mix that consists of getting the product to the target market so that it will be convenient to buy. As ice-cream is such a product who’s availability, we are planning to follow intensive distribution process for distributing ours product. But first we would export our product to some selected cities of Bangladesh, like Dhaka, Chittagong and Syhlet and if we get a good response then we would export it in other areas as well. Our distribution channel will be: Promotion : The element of the marketing mix that involves informing target markets, such as advertising , personal selling ,publicity , sales promotions etc. We will use certain promotional tools to promote our Product, which will be both profitable and effective to aware, the customer about the arrival of our product in Bangladesh. And as well as convince the customers to consume Amul Ice-cream. The Promotional tools that we will use are as follows: Advertisement : We will advertise our product firstly through television. Though it will be quite expensive, still it will be able to attract a huge number of people. Our second advertising media will be newspaper and magazines. It will be relatively cheaper but will be effective in influencing our consumers. The attractive packaging of our product will also be able to act as an impressive advertisement for our product. Sales Promotion : Sales Promotion means to boost up sales in a timely manner. We are planning to supply our product to different occasional programs at a relative low price, from our competitors, for the first six months since we enter the market of Bangladesh. Public Relation : Amul has conducted many programs in India like Voice of India, Chote Ustaad, Master Chef and a lot more which made us come closer to our consumers. We aim to conduct similar shows in Bangladesh to improve our brand image in the eyes of people. Competitors: Igloo: Abdul Monem Ltd (AML) is one of the largest and the most successful corporate houses in Bangladesh maintaining leadership position in all our business ventures. AML manufactures Igloo ice-creams, a Pioneer brand. Polar: Polar ice-cream manufactures the best value ice-cream using the highest quality ingredients. It is most popular range of ice-cream. It is a perfectly balanced recipe that is designed to give a ‘Full-Cream’ taste and texture. Movenpick: Movenpick Ice-cream is a brand of ice-cream of Swiss. Origin produced by the Nestle Corporation. Movenpick ice-cream is now available in more than 0 countries. Baskin Robbins: Baskin Robbins is a premium ice-cream! It is delicious and delightful for any occasion. Baskin Robbins is the world’s largest chain of ice-cream, with shops in 33 countries. It is well known for its 31 flavor of hard ice-cream. But one of our advantages is that in Bangladesh there is no fat free ice-cream to give us competition. SWOT Analysis: SWOT analysis is a simple framework for generating strategic alternatives from a situation analysis. It is applicable to either the corporate level or the business unit level and frequently appears in marketing plans. SWOT (sometimes referred to as TOWS) stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Strength: It describes the resources and the skills that a company has acquired. What is the difference from the company? What can we improve? We provide products of high quality at low price. Annual Turnover of We have a highly diverse Product Mix. Weakness: Describes the factors in which a company has unfavorable position with regard to the competence, in order to make the internal analysis. Food items come with a short life. Alliances with third party. Opportunities: It describes the possible markets, business niches that can be seen by everyone, but if they are not recognized on time that would mean the loss of the competitive advantage. No competitors in the fat free sector of our Ice-Cream. Diversify product portfolio to enter new product categories. Threats: It describe the factors that can put in danger the survival of the organization, if they are recognized on time they can dodge or they can become opportunities. There are a huge number of competitors in terms of our regular Ice-Cream. Growing price of milk is increasing the production cost of our product. Key to Success: Quality: We will maintain the most possible superior quality for our product. Goodwill: In India the goodwill of Amul is at a high position. As we know, India is our neighboring country. So, we can easily use the goodwill Amul in Bangladesh and gain success within a short time. Value for money: Customer will get more than what they pay because we will keep service fair and provide the best that we can. Service: We provide high quality ice-cream . Because we think about the quality rather than the quantity and we will provide proper service to the customers. Technology: We will innovative technology. And we will use that technology which will reduce cost of production. Availability: Will make sure that Amul ice-cream will become available in most of the retail shops of Bangladesh. So that consumers can easily acquire it. Health Consciousness: Now-a-days people think a lot about their health and figure. High cholesterol act as a threat to our physic. Amul fat free ice-cream will allows the consumer to the advantage of enjoying ice-cream is threat raising their cholesterol. Conclusion: After all the research finally we hope that we will be able to successfully launch our product along with a good strategy for selling it. We will try our best to efficiently fulfill our customers’ expectation with our high quality product, within a given period of time. Our aim is to produce cheaper goods that fit the conditions of the country in which we are starting our business and the needs of the people. Contribution Chart: Name IDPart Asma Alam0931019Introduction, Company profile, Mission, Vision, Objective, Current market share. Syeda Kauser Farid0931016Business portfolio, Identify SBU, Diversification. Nahid Hasina Sarwar0931026Market segmentation, Targeting, Positioning, Differentiation. Sazzad Hasan0931043Marketing Mix, Importance and Developing of Marketing Mix. Sumyra Mamun Chy0931047SWOT analysis, Key to success, Competitors, Conclusion

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Why Burning Money Is Illegal in the United States

Why Burning Money Is Illegal in the United States If you have money to burn, congratulations- but youd better not actually set fire to a pile of cash. Burning money is illegal in the United States and is  punishable by up to 10 years in prison, not to mention fines. (More fun facts: Its also illegal to tear a dollar bill and even flatten a penny  under the weight of a locomotive on the railroad tracks.) The laws making defacing and debasing currency a crime have their roots in the federal governments use of precious metals to mint coins. Criminals were known to file down or cut off portions of those coins and keep the slivers for themselves while spending the altered currency. The odds of being prosecuted under the federal laws that making burning money or defacing coins, however, are fairly slim. First, coins now contain very little precious metals. Second, defacing printed currency in an act of protest is often compared to burning the American flag. That is to say, burning money may be considered protected speech under the U.S. Constitutions First Amendment. What the Law Says About Burning Money The section of federal law that makes tearing up or burning money a crime is  Title 18, Section 333, which was passed in 1948 and reads: Whoever mutilates, cuts, defaces, disfigures, or perforates, or unites or cements together, or does any other thing to any bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt issued by any national banking association, or Federal Reserve bank, or the Federal Reserve System, with intent to render such bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt unfit to be reissued, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both. What the Law Says About Mutilating Coins The section of federal law that makes mutilating coins a crime is Title 18, Section 331, which reads: Whoever fraudulently alters, defaces, mutilates, impairs, diminishes, falsifies, scales, or lightens any of the coins coined at the mints of the United States, or any foreign coins which are by law made current or are in actual use or circulation as money within the United States; or whoever fraudulently possesses, passes, utters, publishes, or sells, or attempts to pass, utter, publish, or sell, or brings into the United States, any such coin, knowing the same to be altered, defaced, mutilated, impaired, diminished, falsified, scaled, or lightened shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. A separate section of Title 18 makes it illegal to debase coins minted by the U.S. government, meaning to shave some of the metal off and make the money less valuable. That crime is punishable by fines and up to 10 years in prison. Prosecutions Are Rare for Mutilating Currency Its pretty rare for someone to be arrested and charged with defiling or debased U.S. currency. Even those penny press machines found at arcades and some seashore attractions are in compliance with the law because theyre used to create souvenirs and not to debase or shave metal off the coin for profit or fraud. Perhaps the highest profile case of currency mutilation dates to 1963. An 18-year-old U.S. Marine named Ronald Lee Foster was convicted of whittling away the edges of pennies and spending the 1 cent coins as dimes in vending machines. Foster had been sentenced to a year of probation and $20, but more seriously the conviction prevented him from being able to get a gun license. Foster made national news in 2010 when President Barack Obama pardoned him.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

All About Common Chinese Punctuation Marks

All About Common Chinese Punctuation Marks Chinese punctuation marks are used to organize and clarify written Chinese. Chinese punctuation marks are similar in function to English punctuation marks but sometimes differ in the form or look. All Chinese characters are written to a uniform size, and this size also extends to punctuation marks, so Chinese punctuation marks usually take up more space than their English counterparts. Chinese characters can be written either vertically or horizontally, so the Chinese punctuation marks change position depending on the direction of the text. For example, parentheses and quotation marks are rotated 90 degrees when written vertically, and the full stop mark is placed below and to the right of the last character when written vertically. Common Chinese Punctuation Marks Here are the most commonly used Chinese punctuation marks: Full Stop The Chinese full stop is a small circle that takes the space of one Chinese character. The Mandarin name of the full stop is Ã¥  ¥Ã¨â„¢Å¸/Ã¥  ¥Ã¥  · (jà ¹ ho). It is used at the end of a simple or complex sentence, as in these examples: è «â€¹Ã¤ ½  Ã¥ ¹ «Ã¦Ë†â€˜Ã¨ ² ·Ã¤ ¸â‚¬Ã¤ » ½Ã¥   ±Ã§ ´â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¨ ¯ ·Ã¤ ½  Ã¥ ¸ ®Ã¦Ë†â€˜Ã¤ ¹ °Ã¤ ¸â‚¬Ã¤ » ½Ã¦Å  ¥Ã§ º ¸Ã£â‚¬â€šQÇ ng nÇ  bÄ ng wÇ’ mÇŽi yÄ « fà ¨n bozhÇ .Please help me buy a newspaper.é ¯ ¨Ã© ­Å¡Ã¦Ëœ ¯Ã§  ¸Ã© ¡Å¾Ã¤ ¸ Ã¦Ëœ ¯Ã© ­Å¡Ã© ¡Å¾Ã¨ â„¢Ã¨   Ã¦Ëœ ¯Ã§  ¸Ã© ¡Å¾Ã¤ ¸ Ã¦Ëœ ¯Ã© ³ ¥Ã© ¡Å¾Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ© ² ¸Ã© ± ¼Ã¦Ëœ ¯Ã¥â€¦ ½Ã§ ± »Ã¤ ¸ Ã¦Ëœ ¯Ã© ± ¼Ã§ ± »Ã¨ â„¢Ã¨   Ã¦Ëœ ¯Ã¥â€¦ ½Ã§ ± »Ã¤ ¸ Ã¦Ëœ ¯Ã© ¸Å¸Ã§ ± »Ã£â‚¬â€šJÄ «ngyà º shà ¬ shà ²u là ¨i, bà ºshà ¬ yà º là ¨i; biÄ nfà º shà ¬ shà ²u là ¨i, bà ºshà ¬ niÇŽo là ¨i.Whales are mammals, not fish; bats are mammals, not birds. Comma The Mandarin name of the Chinese comma is é€â€"號/é€â€"Ã¥  · (dà ²u ho). It is the same as the English comma, except it takes the space of one full character and is positioned in the middle of the line. It is used to separate clauses within a sentence, and to indicate pauses. Here are some examples: Ã¥ ¦â€šÃ¦Å¾Å"é ¢ ±Ã© ¢ ¨Ã¤ ¸ Ã¤ ¾â€ Ã¦Ë†â€˜Ã¥â‚¬â€˜Ã¥ ° ±Ã¥â€¡ ºÃ¥Å"‹æâ€"…è ¡Å'。å ¦â€šÃ¦Å¾Å"Ã¥  °Ã© £Å½Ã¤ ¸ Ã¦  ¥Ã¦Ë†â€˜Ã¤ » ¬Ã¥ ° ±Ã¥â€¡ ºÃ¥â€º ½Ã¦â€"…è ¡Å'。Rà ºguÇ’ tifÄ“ng bà ¹ li, wÇ’men jià ¹ chÃ… « guà ³ lÇšxà ­ng.If the typhoon does not come, we will take a trip abroad.ç  ¾Ã¥Å" ¨Ã§Å¡â€žÃ©â€º »Ã¨â€¦ ¦Ã§Å"Ÿæ˜ ¯Ã§â€ž ¡Ã¦â€°â‚¬Ã¤ ¸ Ã¨Æ' ½Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ§Å½ °Ã¥Å" ¨Ã§Å¡â€žÃ§â€ µÃ¨â€žâ€˜Ã§Å"Ÿæ˜ ¯Ã¦â€"  Ã¦â€°â‚¬Ã¤ ¸ Ã¨Æ' ½Ã£â‚¬â€šXinzi de dinnÇŽo, zhÄ“nshà ¬ wà º suÇ’ bà ¹ nà ©ng.Modern computers, they are truly essential. Enumeration Comma The enumeration comma is used to separate list items. It is a short dash going from top left to bottom right. The Mandarin name of the enumeration comma is é  â€œÃ¨â„¢Å¸/é ¡ ¿Ã¥  · (dà ¹n ho). The difference between the enumeration comma and the regular comma can be seen in the following example: Ã¥â€"Å"〠Ã¦â‚¬â€™Ã£â‚¬ Ã¥â€œâ‚¬Ã£â‚¬ Ã¦ ¨â€šÃ£â‚¬ Ã¦â€žâ€ºÃ£â‚¬ Ã¦Æ' ¡Ã£â‚¬ Ã¦ ¬ ²Ã¥  «Ã¥ Å¡Ã¤ ¸Æ'æÆ'…。åâ€"Å"〠Ã¦â‚¬â€™Ã£â‚¬ Ã¥â€œâ‚¬Ã£â‚¬ Ã¤ ¹ Ã£â‚¬ Ã§Ë† ±Ã£â‚¬ Ã¦  ¶Ã£â‚¬ Ã¦ ¬ ²Ã¥  «Ã¥ Å¡Ã¤ ¸Æ'æÆ'…。XÇ , nà ¹, Ä i, là ¨, i, à ¨, yà ¹, jiozuà ² qÄ « qà ­ng.Happiness, anger, sadness, joy, love, hate, and desire are known as the seven passions. Colon, Semicolon, Question Mark, and the Exclamation Mark These four Chinese punctuation marks are the same as their English counterparts and have the same usage as in English. Their names are as follows: Colon冒號/冒å  · (mo ho) - Semicolon - 分號/分å  · (fÄ“nho) - Question Mark - å• Ã¨â„¢Å¸/éâ€" ®Ã¥  · (wà ¨nho) - Exclamation Mark - é ©Å¡Ã¥Ëœâ€ Ã¨â„¢Å¸/æÆ'Šå  ¹Ã¥  · (jÄ «ng tn ho) - Quotation Marks Quotation marks are called Ã¥ ¼â€¢Ã¨â„¢Å¸/Ã¥ ¼â€¢Ã¥  · (yÇ n ho) in Mandarin Chinese. There are both single and double quote marks, with the double quotes used within the single quotes: ã€Å'...『...〠...〠 Western-style quotation marks are used in simplified Chinese, but traditional Chinese uses the symbols as shown above. They are used for quoted speech, emphasis and sometimes for proper nouns and titles. è€ Ã¥ ¸ «Ã¨ ª ªÃ£â‚¬Å'ä ½  Ã¥â‚¬â€˜Ã¨ ¦ Ã¨ ¨ËœÃ¤ ½  Ã¥Å"‹çˆ ¶Ã¨ ª ªÃ§Å¡â€žÃ£â‚¬Å½Ã© â€™Ã¥ ¹ ´Ã¨ ¦ Ã§ «â€¹Ã¥ ¿â€"Ã¥ Å¡Ã¥ ¤ §Ã¤ ºâ€¹Ã¤ ¸ Ã¨ ¦ Ã¥ Å¡Ã¥ ¤ §Ã¥ ®ËœÃ£â‚¬ Ã©â‚¬â„¢Ã¥  ¥Ã¨ © ±Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ£â‚¬ Ã¨â‚¬ Ã¥ ¸Ë†Ã¨ ¯ ´Ã¢â‚¬Å"ä ½  Ã¤ » ¬Ã¨ ¦ Ã¨ ® °Ã¤ ½  å› ½Ã§Ë† ¶Ã¨ ¯ ´Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¢â‚¬ËœÃ© â€™Ã¥ ¹ ´Ã¨ ¦ Ã§ «â€¹Ã¥ ¿â€"Ã¥ Å¡Ã¥ ¤ §Ã¤ ºâ€¹Ã¤ ¸ Ã¨ ¦ Ã¥ Å¡Ã¥ ¤ §Ã¥ ®ËœÃ¢â‚¬â„¢Ã¨ ¿â„¢Ã¥  ¥Ã¨ ¯ Ã£â‚¬â€šÃ¢â‚¬ LÇŽoshÄ « shuÃ… : â€Å"NÇ men yo jà ¬zhu Guà ³fà ¹ shuÃ…  de ‘qÄ «ngnin yo là ¬ zhà ¬ zuà ² dshà ¬, bà ¹yo zuà ² d guÄ n’ zhà ¨ jà ¹ hu.†The teacher said: â€Å"You must remember the words of Sun Yat-sen - ‘Youth should be committed to do big things, not to make big government.’

Friday, February 14, 2020

The U.S. Military Fighting Forces in World War II (European vs Research Paper

The U.S. Military Fighting Forces in World War II (European vs. Pacific Theaters) - Research Paper Example However, some of the technological differences made the United States more superior than most of their enemies. Furthermore, despite the disunity in the American military forces, the military of such countries as Japan, which was the strongest force in the eastern bloc, also exhibited such severe disunity thus contributing to the American victory. 1) Geographic and Environmental Conditions (i.e., effecting the style of warfare) Climatic condition played important role in earning America the victory in the war, with an effective knowledge of the pacific climate in summer, the American forces prepared adequately with appropriate attire and carried drugs and mosquito nets to cushion the soldiers from the adverse weather in the continental region. The warm and humid climatic condition of the pacific in summer presented several challenges to the Japanese who did not have adequate information of the climatic condition in the pacific region. The humid condition hastened the pace of metallic . The Japanese did not prepare for such radical ramifications and therefore lost most of their artillery as they rusted fast thus proved inefficient. Additionally, more Japanese soldiers died of rom such tropical diseases as malaria, which they had not prepared effectively for. The warm and humid climate in the region required light attire a feature that the American forces had learnt of thus leaving their Japanese counterparts ill dressed for the combat thus the ensuing inconveniences in the battlefields. The jungle environment in the pacific required specific tactic of warfare, the American formed small patrols hat would maneuver through the jungle more efficiently often relying on the efficient backup owing to the efficient communication among the small troops. Additionally, the American soldiers relied on the marines after they learnt that the terrain would not permit large military formations. American and Japanese soldiers would therefore run into each other unannounced in the ir daily patrols thus resulting in open warfare. The military combat with the infantry and artillery type of fighting this implied that fighting was at close range requiring the use of effective weaponry. 2) Type of Enemy (i.e., German's vs. Japanese soldier & tactics used); The American success in the war portrayed that the country invested a lot of resources in understanding their enemies. Information is often key in military since it helps formulate both the offenses and defenses. With the adequate information about the enemy, the American government often employed the best tactics in either attacking or resisting the advances of the enemy. Technological advancement in the war was important in the ending the war. America had to prove technological advancement in order to end the war. The eastern bloc had a renewed determination to foster the war but their evident technological inferiority influenced their decision to stop fighting. The nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki pr oved to the eastern forces that the United States had the best military technology and could annihilate their population thus influencing their decision to end the spirited fight. The Germans also proved greater

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Chinese-American Immigrants Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Chinese-American Immigrants - Essay Example The sourness of living where dignity is flushed and third and fourth degree works(which in America they do not accept to deal with and leave to women to do) was the only was to find a means of living to survive. Thus the laundry business ran by Maxine's father when he was kicked out of the business of gambling. As children from Chinese immigrants, Maxine did not understand the relation between myth and reality and talk-stories were a way to sense the factuelles and weave a mentality that could help her understand America and become American yet not forgetting her heritage of Chinese background. A journey of sufferings does not stop at the point where problems concerning finance stops but extends to the beloved ones who suffer in silence besides the person and try to find a way out of it. Being a man responsible for a family, Maxine's father was in the place of a woman when dealing with the American society(now he has to obey the father when yet unmarried(illegal immigrants),obey the husband when married(the legal laws and registration of legal papers),obedience to the sons when widowed(the happiness of father when he planted his plants in the garden a steady and slow into the future of the family ,remembering the suffering he was suffering when out of a job.).Yet the ethics of a woman in a male society where immigrants were not seen as unwelcomed beings drove the family to work in the 'third-grade' industries -the laundry. The work being hard and tiring, the father was experiencing the problem of facing reality through a woman's eyes (whether he saw or did not see or reali ze this). China men is a story about growing up in a Chinese background in American reality with a family to support, from the point of view of Maxine who had no access Chinese realities but what she sees in reality as a child surrounding the family and working on. As seen for sure, the reality was harsh and the fact that women were unpreferable to men made Maxine want to prove herself and thus conflicted inside her with herself as to the fact if she would ever become a pride in the family and to it when ever growing up in America with her strict and unbent mother from Chinese heritage. Brave Orchid was the motive for Maxine to grow up into a strong character and she recited the story from the point of view of her male relatives and especially her father's because she understood that understanding someone from a different gender and being in their shoes made her understand the factuality and beliefs she carried on in life. China Men is in fact a biography of the father and an autobiography of Maxine's feelings and point of view of life through her father's stories from his living reality. Life was harsh and getting legal registration of documents and facing racism in America for Chinese people who came poor from their countries doing their best to be better in the land of the golden mountains of gold made he see what reality is truly like from someone who is far away from home, estranged and widowed having nobody to support them. Yet their happy times did not fade away as they were able to recollect their shattering

Friday, January 24, 2020

Chaucers The Canterbury Tales Essay -- Chaucer Canterbury Tales Essay

Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales In The Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer comments on moral corruption within the Roman Catholic Church. He criticizes many high-ranking members of the Church and describes a lack of morality in medieval society; yet in the â€Å"Retraction,† Chaucer recants much of his work and pledges to be true to Christianity. Seemingly opposite views exist within the â€Å"Retraction† and The Canterbury Tales. However, this contradiction does not weaken Chaucer’s social commentary. Rather, the â€Å"Retraction† emphasizes Chaucer’s criticism of the Church and society in The Canterbury Tales by reinforcing the risk inherent in doing so. In The Canterbury Tales Chaucer portrays the Roman Catholic Church as an institution in which corruption runs rampant. Chaucer attacks almost all of the pilgrims who are officials of the Church. For example, in â€Å"The General Prologue,† the Prioress is â€Å"so charitable and so pitous† that she feeds her lapdogs â€Å"With rosted flessh, or milk and wastelbreed† (143, 147). However, considering the impoverished condition of many people during the Middle Ages, would it not be more charitable for the Prioress to give meat, milk and bread to the poor, instead of to her dogs? Furthermore, the Friar breaks the Franciscan vows of poverty, chastity and service. Instead of helping lepers and beggars, the Friar â€Å"knew [knows] the tavernes wel in every town, / And every hostiler and tappestere† (GP 241-2). The Friar is also wealthy from the profits of bribed confessions; he dresses not like a poor Franciscan should, but â€Å"lik a maister or a pope† (GP 263). The Pardoner also admits and even boasts about his own hypocritical morals. He explains that the relics he sells are fake, along with the absolutions he gi... ... the presence of corruption within the Church; the personal interests of the Wife of Bath, the Franklin, and even the Sergeant at Law reflect the effects of the Church in society. The stark contrast between the devout tone of the â€Å"Retraction† and the critical tone of The Canterbury Tales highlight Chaucer’s commentary on the corruption of the Church. The â€Å"Retraction† reminds the reader of the severe consequences of opposing the Church during the Middle Ages. Chaucer’s profession of faith, which appears so out of context in comparison to many aspects of The Canterbury Tales, actually reinforces the theme of corruption within the Roman Catholic Church and within society. Separately, the â€Å"Retraction† and The Canterbury Tales give contrasting views of medieval life; together, they create a unified account of individual immorality caused by corruption of the Church. Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales Essay -- Chaucer Canterbury Tales Essay Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales In The Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer comments on moral corruption within the Roman Catholic Church. He criticizes many high-ranking members of the Church and describes a lack of morality in medieval society; yet in the â€Å"Retraction,† Chaucer recants much of his work and pledges to be true to Christianity. Seemingly opposite views exist within the â€Å"Retraction† and The Canterbury Tales. However, this contradiction does not weaken Chaucer’s social commentary. Rather, the â€Å"Retraction† emphasizes Chaucer’s criticism of the Church and society in The Canterbury Tales by reinforcing the risk inherent in doing so. In The Canterbury Tales Chaucer portrays the Roman Catholic Church as an institution in which corruption runs rampant. Chaucer attacks almost all of the pilgrims who are officials of the Church. For example, in â€Å"The General Prologue,† the Prioress is â€Å"so charitable and so pitous† that she feeds her lapdogs â€Å"With rosted flessh, or milk and wastelbreed† (143, 147). However, considering the impoverished condition of many people during the Middle Ages, would it not be more charitable for the Prioress to give meat, milk and bread to the poor, instead of to her dogs? Furthermore, the Friar breaks the Franciscan vows of poverty, chastity and service. Instead of helping lepers and beggars, the Friar â€Å"knew [knows] the tavernes wel in every town, / And every hostiler and tappestere† (GP 241-2). The Friar is also wealthy from the profits of bribed confessions; he dresses not like a poor Franciscan should, but â€Å"lik a maister or a pope† (GP 263). The Pardoner also admits and even boasts about his own hypocritical morals. He explains that the relics he sells are fake, along with the absolutions he gi... ... the presence of corruption within the Church; the personal interests of the Wife of Bath, the Franklin, and even the Sergeant at Law reflect the effects of the Church in society. The stark contrast between the devout tone of the â€Å"Retraction† and the critical tone of The Canterbury Tales highlight Chaucer’s commentary on the corruption of the Church. The â€Å"Retraction† reminds the reader of the severe consequences of opposing the Church during the Middle Ages. Chaucer’s profession of faith, which appears so out of context in comparison to many aspects of The Canterbury Tales, actually reinforces the theme of corruption within the Roman Catholic Church and within society. Separately, the â€Å"Retraction† and The Canterbury Tales give contrasting views of medieval life; together, they create a unified account of individual immorality caused by corruption of the Church.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Patients and Clients in Home Care Essay

It is said that â€Å"there’s no better place than home†. This is the comfort that home care provides its patients. It permits the assistance of people that have special needs in the comfort of their homes and with the companionship of their families. Medical services and health assistance can now be obtained without going away from the confines of your home. It is now possible that health service providers will be the ones to go to the patient’s home so that the patient will not have to be confined in a hospital or a nursing institution. Home care is an alternative method to sustain the growing demand for medical health services. Due to the observed surge in the number of people with special needs, unconventional venues for taking care of this people aside from hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and nursing homes were considered. The establishment of home care services answers the demand of different venues for health services. Home care is the offering of medical services by formal providers such as doctors, registered nurses, and physical therapist or by informal providers such as caregivers in the patient’s homes. It aims to promote, reinstate, and sustain the comfort, function, and health of a patient to its maximum limit. Taking care of patients during the last days of their life is also part of the objective. Classifications of home health care includes: preventive, promotive, therapeutic, long-term maintenance, rehabilitative and palliative care(DOH). People that need home care are geriatric individuals, chronically ill patients, persons with disabilities, and patients that are recovering from surgeries. Seventy percent of the clients that availed home health care services are geriatric people of age 65 and above. Disease diagnoses that are most rampant in these home care patients are: Heart disease, diabetes, cerebral vascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), malignant neoplasm, fractures, congestive heart failure, osteoarthritis and allied disorders, and hypertension(NCHS). Care from registered nurses, physical therapists, and social workers; access to medical equipments; check up by doctors; help with running errands; medication delivery; and meal preparation are some of the services that are offered by home health care providers. Types of home care vary with different kind of providers. Skilled care type is offered by licensed medical practitioners like doctors, registered nurses, medical social workers and physical therapist. This type of home care service focuses on the reinstating and maintaining the health of a client. It includes disease diagnoses, disease treatments, wound care, injection and intravenous therapy, medical assessments, nutritional management, and counseling. The other type of service is the home support services that are offered by caregivers or health care aides which are more inclined to domestic tasks like personal hygiene or bathing assistance; running errands; grocery shopping; cooking and eating assistance; light house keeping; and medication reminders(MFMER ). Clients of home care services expect the providers of these services to meet their specific needs. The most common client specifications are good quality care; availability of service; health service provider with appropriate training and expertise; high quality, effective care; and affordable service. Home care providers are expected by clients to give them respect, inflict no harm to them, and treat them well(Nina Preto). They also expect to have their rights as a patient considered, respected and instituted. The law currently implements the home care patients right to: choose their care providers; be informed fully by the health service agency provider of his/her rights and responsibilities as a patient; obtain the needed professional care following the doctor’s orders; receive continuous care; be asked consent prior to any treatment regimen or procedure; advised for any plan changes prior the change; avail service that is safe and in accordance to the professional care needed; be informed of actions in the event of emergency; and to voice opinions regarding the treatment or procedure(Hospice). Different individual conditions require varied specific needs so the provider should be competent enough to be able to address these circumstances. The geriatric or elderly persons for example have various conditions that have complex needs. Usually diseases of the old individuals are multi-factorial; the change of their condition is unpredictable; and outcome of treatment or management is random. So it is best if the home care providers of the elderly with diseases to be registered nurses or doctors for prompt treatment and disease management. Though in other instances home care is employed by geriatric patients that are healthy but in need of assistance in performing their daily tasks from as simple as opening doors for them to household chores. Another example of patients with different needs is the patients with cancer. These individuals are more at ease in the confines of their homes and families. They do not want to be separated from there families because usually these patients gain there strengths from them. The emotional and moral support the families give are vital for a cancer patient. Home care allows these patients to have all the support they can get from there families. As cancer is a devastating disease the home care provider should be able to give support to the patient, address his/her medical needs, and educate the family about the situation of the patient. Diabetes patients on the other hand, need home care providers to always encourage them to control the blood glucose levels because complication development can better be prevented with serious control on glycemia. These patients also need home care providers that are inclined in nutrition for diabetes patients to obtain the needed nutrients without sacrificing their blood glucose levels. Along with the boost of home care industry are problems or issues that need to be resolved. Some of these problems that affect both the home care consumer and the provider are the following: worker related injuries; worker abuse and exploitation by the client; competency of the health care provider; abuse of the client; client prejudice toward the caregiver; worker benefits issue; confidentiality issues in the clients home; and clients being at risk of theft and other forms of crimes. Confidentiality issue in client-caregiver relationship is one of the prime problems of home care services. Prone to this problem are the caregivers or health care aides that have little backgrounds or training in professional ethics and usually provide service to their clients twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Most of them also stay in the houses of their clients so it is common that they know the things that happen inside the house especially among family members. The dilemma is in situations that either the caregiver spill the information he/she knows or if the information is critical to the well-being of the client and the caregiver will not know whether to keep it confidential or not. An example situation is when a client is being battered by a member of his or her family, what will the caregiver do? Is he/she supposed to tell anyone like the authorities or is he/she will just keep silent and wait that other people will discover the situation? If the caregiver gives the information to authorities it might be an invasion of the client’s privacy. Moral risks, virtues, intimacy, and professional ethics are bound with confidentiality issue in home care. Home care service providers should be made sure to have proper training in professional conduct and ethics to avoid any problems that will interfere with the client and their family relationship. Problems such as this needs attention of legislators for the home care consumers to be secured that the service provider they employ are properly trained and knows his place as a home care worker in a family setting. Client prevention of problems related to the home care service provider begins with choosing a competent agency that ensures the capabilities of their workers. Clients should not just consider the monetary factor involve in employing a home care worker to prevent the hiring of low paid providers and yet incompetent in many aspects of health service provision. Health care organizations have to address these problems and anticipate other issues that will emerge for the improvement of the home care service, benefit of the client, and avoidance of dilemma in the part of the caregiver. Government agencies concerned need to make rigorous effort towards the establishment and implantation of rules that would not just protect the home care consumers but the home care service workers as well. In every development there is always the emergence of problems and this is just what happened in home care. The burst of this industry is high-speed that problems are realized only when it was already encountered. The shift from institutionalized health care to home care brought about problems that touch aspects like professional ethics, unavailability of equipments in the patient’s home, monetary factors, client-worker relationship, and home care provider-patient’s family relationship. Despite of this, home care still provides an alternative venue for the patients or clients to have their needs being taken care of. The problems will just have to be addressed for the improvement of the industry. Home care is a promising revolution of institutionalized care wherein patients of institutionalized care are deprived of their right to spend their lives in the comfort of their home and with the presence of their loved ones. Reference

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Ancient Traditions Of Buddhism And Hinduism - 1260 Words

The ancient traditions of Buddhism and Hinduism go far back in history and are both very revered and followed even up to today. They are similar in many ways but also very different in their worldviews and theology. The world is full of suffering and both Hinduism and Buddhism discuss ways to end that suffering through enlightenment. Buddhists believe in a place called nirvana, where suffering does not exist, and Hindus follow a path to reach liberation, or moksa. They both are a way to escape the suffering found in this world. This paper will discuss both these traditions and their history in detail and will also look at the ways both of these religions reach liberation from the endless cycle of suffering. Buddhism is a†¦show more content†¦The four main areas or expressions of Buddhism in the world are Theraveda Buddhism, practiced in South and Southeast Asia; Zen Buddhism, practiced in Japan; Pure Land Buddhism, practiced in East Asia, and lastly; Tibetan Buddhism, prac ticed in Tibet. The three main types of Buddhism are Theraveda, Mahayana, and Tantric. All Buddhists share and respect the teachings of the Buddha, trace their origins back to Siddhartha Gautama and follow a set of ethical rules. There are around 350 million practicing Buddhists in the world today and this number is being conservative (Engelmajer, 4-5). The Buddha’s teachings were known as the middle path or the path to enlightenment. Buddhism in the Vedic context consisted of a soteriological goal, the path to achieve that goal, and social order in the class system. The Mahayana branch of Buddhism focuses on meditative practices and the path of the Bodhisattva. It is important to have compassion, wisdom, and skillful means in order to follow this path. The ultimate purpose of this path is to liberate all beings from suffering and help all to reach enlightenment. So this differs from other forms of Buddhism because it focuses on others reaching nirvana before oneself reachi ng nirvana. The Mahayana’s felt that mainstream Buddhists were selfish as they themselves followed this path for the benefit for all beings. This was considered to