Monday, September 30, 2019
The Nuclear Fusion Reactor Engineering Essay
Before any probes are done on reexamining suited stuffs for a atomic merger reactor, a general thought of the atomic merger itself had to be introduced. Nuclear merger is the procedure that is straight opposite of atomic fission[ 1 ]. It is a procedure that fuses two or more atomic karyon together in organizing a larger karyon. The karyon involved here are usually the isotopes of H as it is most executable to pull out energy from the merger of these atoms. This procedure releases enormous sum of energy[ 2 ]and it is believed to hold an energy denseness of three to four times greater than the energy denseness of atomic fission which itself is a million times greater of the energy denseness of chemical reactions. Besides that, atomic merger produced much lesser radioactive waste. ( 1 ) Therefore, merger is a really possible power beginnings that are both economically executable and safe. Besides that, merger fuel is renewable, abundant in nature and cheap ( 2 ) . However, to day of the month, there is non a executable operating commercial atomic merger power works. There are, nevertheless, several experimental merger reactors that are operational but they are non sustainable and therefore non executable at the minute. Inarguably, merger reactor is highly hard to construct. Fusion procedure itself is difficult to accomplish under normal fortunes. Fusion fuses 2 or more positively-charged karyon together and it is non hard to conceive of that the energy required to convey the karyon together is really big as the repulsive force force between two indistinguishable charged atoms is reciprocally relative to the square of the distance of the atoms[ 3 ]( 3 ) . In order to originate a merger procedure, it is required to heat the mixture of deuterium-deuterium ( DD ) or deuterium-tritium[ 4 ]( DT ) up to a temperature of non lower than 100 million Kelvin for the karyon to come near adequate to each other and fuse. At these temperatures, the H will be in a wholly ionised province known as plasma. ( 4 ) Presently, there are two ways to accomplish the temperature necessary for the atomic merger to take topographic point. They are, viz. , magnetic parturiency method and inertial parturiency method. Magnetic parturiency merger reactor uses magnetic and electric Fieldss to restrict the isotopes and heat them up to the needed temperature. Inertial parturiency merger reactor, on the other manus, uses optical maser beam or ion beams to heat up the plasma. ( 5 ) For the intent of this literature reappraisal, the magnetic parturiency method will be investigated as this method is considered as more dependable and hence, it is more extremely developed ( 6 ) . Among the magnetic parturiency merger experimental curates, International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor ( ITER ) will be peculiarly investigated together with Joint European Torus ( JET ) as the back uping probe. This is because ITER is the replacement of JET and ITER is presently the universes ââ¬Ë largest tokamak[ 5 ]atomic merger reactor which purpose to move as a operation and prolonging magnetic parturiency merger power works bring forthing net energy of 9 times the power its consume[ 6 ]( 7 ) . This is known to be the biggest graduated table of the merger reactor so far in the universe where the merger reactor will hold a really high energy generation and sustained burn. Upon the successful demonstration/experimentation in ITER, a all-out merger reactor will be able to be con structed on a larger graduated table based on the rule of ITER and benefits the world. Therefore, it is instead relevant to look into the potency of ITER in this reappraisal as if ITER is successfully built and demonstrated, a full graduated table power station that map wholly based on atomic merger can be produced. The building of ITER is still undergoing and expected to be completed in 2019.Objectives & A ; MotivationsThe aims of this literature reappraisal are to reexamine and take different stuffs that are suited in the building of the atomic merger reactor specific for ITER based on literatures available. In constructing a atomic merger reactor, different facets will hold to be considered and investigated as the standard for constructing a atomic merger power works is non easy satisfied. These will be farther discussed in this reappraisal. Therefore, in order to fulfill the different standards and different facets, different stuffs and their belongingss will hold to be consider ed before any choice is done. The motive of this literature reappraisal is based on the feasibleness and the limitless capablenesss of a atomic merger reactor. It is expected that non-renewable resources which are chiefly natural fossil fuels such as coal, crude oil and natural gas would be depleted by 2100. The present civilisation are mostly based on oil and gas in energy coevals and production and therefore by 2100, if alternate beginnings are non sought after, so the present civilisation would fall in due to the energy deficit ( 8 ) . Nuclear merger power works, a really promising energy beginning, is being investigated by the scientists and applied scientists as one of the alternate beginnings of energy upon depletion of fossil fuels. Nuclear merger power works would non potentially let go of C dioxide ( CO2 ) as pollutant to the ambiance therefore will non be lending to planetary heating. Fusion fuels are besides abundant in nature as heavy hydrogen and tritium can be easy obtained from saltwater and Li[ 7 ]easy. If all heavy hydrogen in one liter of H2O is used to blend with tritium, the energy produced by this will be tantamount to the combustion of 340 liters of gasoline ( 9 ) . Contrary to atomic fission, atomic merger leaves minimal or none of the radioactive waste. Contrary to atomic fission as good, the atomic merger power works have no potency of meeting a meltdown[ 8 ]at all and therefore will non do black consequence to the environing environment. For all these advantages, joint attempts from developed states all round the universe are sing atomic merger power works as a possible energy providing and therefore different constructs, proposals and designs had been proposed in order to construct a functional merger reactor. Therefore, it is non difficult to conceive of that the motive of the subject ââ¬Å" Advanced Materials for Fusion Reactors â⬠is wholly based on the fact that merger power works would be to a great extent dependent on in the hereafter if it is succeeded been developed.Components of Nuclear Fusion Reactors2.1 IntroductionThis literature reappraisal will get down with a general debut of the constituents of a magnetic parturiency atomic merger power works and how the power works plants, so will be divided into subdivisions look intoing the major proficient challenges of some constituents inside the reactor. Upon the proficient challenges are determined, the focal point of this reappraisal will be on choosing the stuff belongingss that are suited for the job an d therefore the appropriate stuff measure uping for the peculiar belongings.Magnetic Confinement Fusion Power PlantThere are presently different methods in accomplishing the parturiency of the hot plasma magnetically. Among the most recent and widely method used is Tokamak whereby ITER itself is based on the construct of Tokamak ( 10 ) . This might be due to the fact the Tokamak is the most well-developed magnetic parturiency system at the present phase. Illustration of the magnetic parturiency merger construct Figure: Conventional Diagram of a Tokamak ( 11 ) Figure: Conventional Diagram of the Tokamak in ITER ( 12 ) Figure 1 and Figure 2 both show the conventional diagrams of how a Tokamak will look like. The vacuity vas[ 9 ]on Figure 2 will incorporate plasma and will be the topographic point where the merger reaction will take topographic point. The cover faculty will be screening the vacuity vas from the high-energy neutron and bring forthing tritium for farther merger procedure ( 13 ) . The toroidal field spiral and poloidal field spiral[ 10 ]are responsible to make a magnetic field in perpendicular and horizontal way to restrict the hot plasma and maintain the plasma off from the wall ( 14 ) . The cardinal solenoid will on the other manus bring on the current in the fuel that will ionize the H fuel organizing the plasma, heat up the plasma to about one tierce of the temperature required by merger[ 11 ]( 14 ) and besides shape the magnetic field in the divertor part ( 15 ) . The divertor maps as an ââ¬Ëexhaust ââ¬Ë to pull out heat from the merger reaction every bit good as the waste m erchandise ââ¬â He ( 16 ) . As mentioned earlier, the merger requires a temperature of over 150 million Kelvin, and hence, the warming produced by plasma current is deficient to heat up the plasma. Therefore, external warming[ 12 ]will be required to heat up the temperature further to the desired 100 million Kelvin. As ITER is an experimental reactor to look into the possibility of a merger reactor, hence, there are besides extended nosologies systems that are installed on the Tokamak to analyze the belongingss of the plasma and the existent perfomance of the ITER ( 18 ) . Finally, the cryostat is responsible to incorporate and back up the whole Tokamak construction. ITER will non be able fo map with the whole Tokamak system entirely. It needs external system to back up it as a functional reactor. As explained above, the plasma will be contained in a vacuity vas and therefore a vacuity system will be needed to pump air out of the vacuity vas to make a status of highly low denseness and force per unit area[ 13 ]( 19 ) . Contrary to atomic fission, atomic merger reaction will merely happen one in a clip inside the tokamak. This means that certain sum of mass of H fuel[ 14 ]is injected into the vacuity vessels one at a clip and let the merger reaction to take topographic point. Therefore, a fuelling system must be used here. Due to the fact that the force per unit area inside the vas is really low and the fuel involved is really little, the merger reaction in ITER clearly will non do any lay waste toing consequence to the environment or the reactor once the reactor goes incorrectly. As the ITER is runing on a really big graduated table, much larger compared to its old version, hence, the magnets[ 15 ]will be heated up really rapidly and therefore is required to be cooled utilizing cryogenic engineering ( 21 ) . Distant handling is besides required in the ITER as it is impossible to make any fix or maintainance in the ITER while the reactor is active ( 22 ) . Like any other power works, ITER will necessitate a chilling system that will be responsible to chill or instead extract any heat released in the procedure ( 23 ) . For ITER, the heat will be dissipated to the milieus as it is an experimental reactor that are non responsible to bring forth electricity. For a real-life reactor, the heat extracted will be used to bring forth steam to turn the turbine which will in bend generate electricity. This would be the precisely same rule as a real-life power reactor. Ultimately, a power supply is required for ITER as it is impossible to bring forth any end product power without initial input power for a merger power works. These will be the chief constituents of a merger reactor. Each constituent will subsequently be investigated seperately together with the pick of stuff for the constituent. The general working rule behind a merger reactor like ITER will be as follow: First, all drosss and air are pump out of the vacuity vass. Fusion fuel will so be allowed to come in the reactor through the fuelling system. The cardinal solenoid will so bring on current to the fuel and inonize it into plasma while heating up the plasma. Simultaneously, the toroidal field spiral and poloidal field spiral will be activated and they will bring forth magnetic gield that will steer the plasma in weaving around the vacuity vas. External warming will farther heat up the temperature of the plasma up to around 150 1000000s Kelvin. The merger procedure will so get down. High-energy neutron will be released and absorbed into the cover. The energy produced by the neutron and the merger reaction will so be absorbed by the go arounding chilling H2O which will so disperse the heat consequently. Any merchandise that are left behind will so be exitting through the divertor.Material Challenges Presented in a Nuclear Fusion ReactorThere are several challenges that had to be faced in constructing a Tokamak type merger reactor. In fact, the challenges can be largely demonstrated on constructing an experimental reactor such as ITER. First and first, the neutron released by the merger reaction has a really high energy of about 14 MeV. Even fission reaction will merely let go of neutron of energy 2 MeV. Therefore, appropriate stuffs must be selected to see such neutron flux and barrage. Such barrage on any stuff will decidedly damage the stuff and induces radiation ( 24 ) . Besides neutron irradiation, the stuff must besides subject to gamma radiation flux and impersonal atom fluxes. Though non obvious, but the nosologies system in the ITER will besides necessitate to defy such rough environment in the vacuity vass ( 18 ) . The cover wall will function multiple intents every bit good. The cover wall needs to be able to bring forth tritium when interacting with the neutron release by merger reaction to farther fuel tritium for following merger ( 25 ) . The first wall of the plasma chamber will necessitate to confront the highly high temperature plasma every bit good. Therefore, it will be subjected to electromagnetic moving ridges of high energy which chiefly are X-rays ( 2 ) and highly high heat burden. Due to extreme heat flux, there might be hazard that stuffs will be evaporated from the divertor and being deposited on the plasma confronting surface ( 26 ) . As the merger power works like ITER use magnetisms to restrict the plasma, it is besides of import to observe that the magnets used in the power works must be of high efficiency. It is suggested that the magnets use here should be ace conducting as the power consumed by a normal magnet to restrict such plasma will be really immense ( 2 ) . As the divertor is responsible to wash up the byproduct of merger, it will hold to digest high heat tonss[ 16 ]and supply the shielding for neutron barrage every bit good ( 27 ) . The cardinal solenoid and poloidal field spirals will bring on a big and fluctuating magnetic field of about 1T at the first wall and 0.2T at the cryostat wall ( 26 ) . The operation of ITER is besides the largest to day of the month which it will necessitate to keep a steady-state operation of more than 1 hr. With that in head, this will be the harshest environment that is yet to be experienced by bing stuffs. Before any choices are done, the readers of this literature reappraisal are advised that the choice of all stuffs are done based on the diaries and the studies done by the ITER forces and applied scientists and their suitableness remains to be confirmed. There are besides some company being suggested by the ITER organisations that are specializing in production of different stuffs for each constituent. Readers that are interested can look up the company. The general choice of the stuffs for cardinal constituents had already been summarised in the Table 4 of Appendix. Full design specification of ITER can besides be viewed at ( 28 ) .General Structural MaterialThe general structural stuff here is the stuff for the in-vessel constituents[ 17 ], the vacuity vass and cryostat. There is a general understanding that the structural stuffs in a merger atomic power works should non bring forth any radioactive merchandises that have a long life clip and the ephemeral radioactive merchandise on the other manus should non do unacceptable safety effects. This is to forestall the volatile radioactive merchandises that might be released into the environment in the event of accidents and to understate the consequence of high decay heat[ 18 ]. This in footings regulations out the possibility of utilizing several debasing elements for steels in ITER. These include Nb, Mo, Co and Ni ( 29 ) . For ITER, the most suited structural stuff would be unstained steel ( SS ) . The class selected here would be type 316L ( N ) -IGX[ 19 ]austenitic SS. The steel selected here had many belongingss that are first-class for the ITER constructions. Among the belongingss are equal mechanical belongingss, good opposition to corrosion, able to be welded, forged, and casted[ 20 ], industrially available can be easy manufactured, much less sensitive to radiation embrittlement ( 32 ) . The austenitic SS here is besides well-known for its extended database and acceptable radiation harm opposition. Although some lessening in ductileness might happen due to irradiation at temperature of 275-375Aà °C, but this is sufficient for ITER operation ( 32 ) . The austenitic SS proposed for cryostat would be 304L. Although the steel is being selected, there are certain demands for the contents of the steel that must be satisfied. For a merger reactor, activated Co ( Co ) is really important in lending radiation dosage. Therefore, the decrease of Co content in all the chromium steel steel used to 0.05 % can cut down the activation of the constituents ( 30 ) . Besides Co, Nb would bring forth durable radioisotopes that will post a job in waste direction and decommissioning. For 316L ( N ) -IG SS, Nb is present as hint component. It is of import to cut down Nb content in the steel to 0.01 % ( 30 ) . Although the stuff for shielding of the chief vacuity vass will be SS 316L ( N ) -IG, the shielding of the primary vass[ 21 ]can be done utilizing SS 30467 with 2 % B[ 22 ]and the stuff for ferromagnetic shielding[ 23 ]can be done utilizing SS 430 ( 31 ) in the vacuity vas. Besides the general construction, the stuff of nickel-based-alloy keys and bolts[ 24 ]used must be investigated here every bit good. The general stuff for cardinal and bolts would be Inconel 718 ( 30 ) . The pick of stuff here is due to the fact that Inconel 718 has high strength, stamina and weariness opposition and it is widely used in atomic industry and commercially available ( 32 ) . The expected neutron irradiation experienced by the bolt would be 0.5 dpa, under such status, the strength of Inconel 718 will increase together with a little lessening in ductileness but it will non impact the overall constituent unity over its life-time. However, the low coefficient of thermic enlargement of Inconel 718 must be taken into consideration ( 33 ) .The BlanketAs mentioned in Section 2.3, the cover is a really of import constituent in ITER. The cover will hold to fulfill the undermentioned demand: To defy the high heat burden due to its close contact with the plasma. To retrieve tritium and to engender tritium fuel for new merger reaction. To supply thermic screening to the vas. To supply screening from neutron barrage and bring forth a little sum of radioactive waste. To retrieve heat by provide sufficient cooling/heat money changers. To protect the magnet spiral from the atomic radiation. In a merger reactor like ITER, the cover system is farther divided into 2 parts, viz. the first wall as the first bed of protection, and the cover as the shielding and tritium genteelness. Most of the neutron produced by the merger will go through through the first wall and are absorbed in the cover and the shield ( 2 ) . Therefore, the cover will be responsible to capture these neutrons while pull outing their energy and besides breed new tritium to replace tritium used in the merger procedure. The heat sink besides exists here to let heat exchange to take topographic point. On the other manus, the first wall will supply screening for tritium and in the ITER, it will be the most tritium-contaminated device ( 27 ) . The first wall is besides responsible to screen the constituent behind it from the direct contact with plasma. Therefore, the first wall should be able to defy the corrosion resulted from the plasma when they are in contact with one another. Besides, for the intent of eas y care, the cover wall is modular. The full cover parametric quantity is listed in Table 1 as shown below: Table: Blanket Parameter for ITER ( 500 MW merger reactor ) ( 27 ) Beryllium ( Be ) is the first pick of stuff for the tiles of the first wall. This is because of the undermentioned belongingss: low plasma taint, ability to defy big figure of perpendicular supplanting events ( 34 ) , low radiative power losingss, good O gettering provided that heat burden is non sufficient to vaporize Be, low tritium stock list[ 25 ]( 35 ) , absence of chemical spluttering, low atomic figure, the possibility of in situ fix of the harm faculties by plasma spray, first-class neutron and energy generation. The class of Beryllium selected is S-65C VHP due to its low content of metallic dross, high neutron irradiation opposition, high thermic weariness opposition, high elevated temperature ductileness and low cycling thermic weariness ( 30 ) . However, the chief job of Be are toxicity and handiness ( 25 ) . The toxicity will non be an issue[ 26 ]here and sing the handiness, Be can ever be reprocessed upon the terminal of the life clip of the reactor for new reactor. There is available engineering and processs to manage Be at current minute and the reprocessing is executable. The existent ingestion of Be will non be much of a concern. Other than that, there is a chief concern that the brickle break of Be is noticed when it is tested under low irradiation temperature[ 27 ]( 30 ) . Such embrittlement at low temperature could take to the brickle failure of the faculties. Additional R & A ; D is needed to analyze the break mechanics of S-65C VHP. It is besides noticed that Be is merely acceptable for a low-duty rhythm machine[ 28 ]such as ITER ( 34 ) . In decision, the first wall panels and the bulk of the internal Tokamak surface will be covered by Be. Their occupation is simple, to defy and reassign the heat from the plasma t o the chilling system via heat sink. In fact, for ITER and JET, there is already a company in Finland known as DIARC-Technology Inc. that is specialised in supplying the plasma coating ( 36 ) . It is of import besides to observe that ceramic complexs such as silicon-carbide ( SiC ) fibre-reinforced SiC-matrix had been conveying to the concern of the applied scientists. Ceramic complexs are of peculiar involvement due to the fact that the degree of radiation induced here is much lower[ 29 ]than that of a metallic construction ( 2 ) . However, with the high pay-off, it comes with high hazard. The high pay-off is evidently the first-class safety of SiC due to its highly low induced radiation, whereas the high hazard is uncertainness of the SiC public presentation and belongingss when it is subjected to irradiation under high temperature ( 37 ) . Table 2 is attached naming the cardinal constituents required if the new-generation SiC is chosen to be used as the structural stuff and the nucleus stuff[ 30 ]in the power works. Several issues need to be raised before sing SiC: the cost of fiction of the complexs, the connection method, low thermic conduction under irradiation at hig h temperature, and the maximal operating temperature around the cover and the constructions of the works. SiC had been considered in assorted power works designs such as TAURO, DREAM, and AIRES-AT. However, it is non being considered as the chief structural stuff in ITER due to its unpredictable public presentation. Further R & A ; D might be required to develop SiC into a high public presentation merger power works nucleus stuff with safety advantages. Detailed plants can be referred at ( 37 ) . Table: Suggested Parameters for a SiC-based Fusion Power Plant ( 37 ) Besides the screening consequence by the first wall, cover besides act as a tritium breeder. The suited stuff here would be Li or Li compounds as it will absorb the high-energy neutron and release tritium as shown in Equation 1 and 2 below ( 2 ) . The first reaction will devour energy of 2.87 MeV but it will bring forth an extra neutron that can undergo farther reaction to engender tritium. The 2nd reaction will take to an energy production of 4.8 MeV. The enrichment of the Li in the compounds depends on the type of power reactor. Equation.Equation Among the Li compounds, Lithium zirconate ( Li2ZrO3 ) is preferred as the genteelness cover due to its good irradiation stableness, its good compatibility with steel, low tritium keeping at low temperature, and insensitiveness to wet ( 31 ) . The Li here can be enriched to 90 % to heighten the genteelness of tritium. The genteelness cover here will be in the signifier of pebbles. The proposed agreement of the breeder would be holding 2-3 breeder zones embedded in Be tiles giving the net tritium genteelness ratio of greater than 0.8 ( 31 ) . Ultimately, the dramatis personae steel can be used as the concluding shielding portion of the first wall ( 30 ) . In the design of ITER, a high thermic conduction stuff, known as heat sink, will be placed in between the armor and the chilling channels with its chief fuction being reassigning the heat fluxes and energy extracted by the first wall to the coolants, cut downing the thermic emphasiss undergone by the protecting constituent expeditiously. Therefore, for the heat sink, the Cu ( Cu ) metal would be preferred due to its high thermic conduction. The class selected here would be CuCrZr metal. However, the belongingss of CuCrZr alloy depend extremely on its thermomechanical intervention and fabrication procedure. Provided the fabrication procedure will impact the belongingss minimally, CuCrZr will hold high break stamina at high temperature. Besides CuCrZr is a weldable stuff and it is widely available in the market. Although the metal will exhibit radiation hardening, lessening in ductileness, and loss of the ability for work indurating at low neutron irradiation temperature, the public pr esentation of the metal still meets ITER ââ¬Ës standards ( 32 ) . However, this CuCrZr metal will be differ from the standard one in footings of its content. For the standard metal, the Cr contents would change from 0.4 % to 1.5 % and Zr contents would change from 0.03 % to 0.25 % , nevertheless, the metal used in ITER would utilize a much narrower scope[ 31 ]. The ground of restricting Cr in much narrower scope is to cut down the possibility of formation of harsh Cr precipitates which will affection the radiation opposition. Zr on the other manus will do hardening of metal and influences the recrystallization temperature and the ageing clip. The restriction of O in the metal to less than 0.002 % and the entire sum of drosss to less than 0.03 % is besides needed for a better embrittlement opposition ( 30 ) . Besides the stuffs for each constituent, the stuff of the articulations of heat sink to the cover faculties and to the overall construction needs to be considered every bit good. To bond the heat sink onto the armour stuffs, a procedure known as Hot Isostatic Pressing ( HIP ) is introduced ( 36 ) . HIP bonding is a type of fabricating procedure that will adhere metals together while cut downing the porousness of the metals and it will ensue in tight geometrical tolerance. The status of the HIP of the two stuffs is furthered explain in ( 32 ) and ( 31 ) . In fact, the articulations of Be/Cu and Cu/SS had been successfully tested under heat flux up to 12 MW/m2 under 4500 rhythms ( 31 ) . In UK, there is an technology company known as AMEC worked with the bonding of the hot sink to the Be foremost wall. Detailss for HIP fall ining engineerings can be viewed at ( 31 ) , ( 38 ) and ( 39 ) . Figure: Blanket Flexible Support Attachment ( 32 ) There is another stuff concern here for the covers attachment. As shown in Figure 3, it is necessary to attach the cover to the vacuity vass. The ITER design is such that a flexible cartridge is screwed onto the vas and bolted through the entree hole in the cover faculty. The stuff here needs to fulfill the undermentioned standards: high strength, must be able to defy high axial burden forces and let elastic distortion during flexing. The pick of stuff here would be titanium alloy ââ¬â Ti-6Al-4V ( 32 ) . This stuff is widely used and so its database is instead complete. The stuff itself besides has low Young modulus ( 31 ) . The ductileness of the stuff is non capable to any alterations as the dosage it will be exposed to as the protection from the cover faculty itself minimise the barrage of the energetic neutron onto the cartridge.Divertorshypertext transfer protocol: // Figure: The perpendicular marks and the dome of the ITER divertor ( 16 ) For the armour tiles of the divertor baffle countries[ 32 ], sintered wolfram ( W ) in the cold worked and stress relieved conditions will be a great pick. W has low eroding rate[ 33 ]as compared to Be and C, low tritium keeping ( 32 ) , and longer life-time ( 16 ) . However, the disadvantages of utilizing wolframs are such that it will do a big radiative power loss and might run if it is subjected to abnormal high extremum burden. Therefore, for countries that exposed to high thermic flux[ 34 ], W is non suited. Therefore, for such countries, carbon-fibre-reinforced C complex ( CFC ) will be used due to its high thermic conduction to have the higher heat fluxes. However, the usage of CFC must be minimised and restricted to the country mentioned above merely because it will gnaw chemically and retain tritium. Besides that, there are some belongingss alterations of CFC under neutron irradiation that must be noted. At low irradiation temperature[ 35 ], the thermic conduction of CFC might be 3-5 times lower than the unirradiated CFC. The lessening in the thermic conduction might take to a rise in thermic eroding ( 30 ) . However, the addition in eroding is still allowable within the life-time of the constituent. Detailss of fall ining engineerings for CFC are discussed at ( 38 ) . In short, the stuff choice for divertor baffles and dome would be W and CFC at the work stoppage points chiefly the perpendicular marks ( 36 ) . As there are advantages and disadvantages of utilizing CFC and W, another suggestion for the divertor stuff is using a coating of W on CFC. This might show a good solution and cut down cost but it is subjected to research. However, there is an issue with this solution. The thermic enlargement of CFC might post the job to the divertor itself. This can farther be overcome by lodging a thin bed[ 36 ]of Molybdenum ( Mo ) as intermediate. This had been tested by heating up to 2000 Aà °C without the failure of the constituents ( 36 ) . Full makings of wolfram coating is reported in ( 40 ) . For the overall cassette organic structure of the divertor, SS 316 L ( N ) -IG is selected as stuff for fabricating through cast/HIP or pulverization HIP method. The elaborate survey of the plasma confronting stuff[ 37 ]and its experimental consequences together with the belongingss of articulation can be found at ( 41 )NosologiesIn existent merger reactor, the nosologies system might non be that extended as compared to the experimental reactor like ITER, but the being of nosologies system and diagnostic device inside the vacuity vas is ineluctable in order to analyze the plasma parametric quantities and the wall parametric quantities. Like all other in-vessels constituents, nosologies system will be subjected to high neutron flux and high radiation ( 32 ) . The stuffs used for nosologies system today ââ¬Ës experiment experience really small radiation, hence new stuffs must be proposed to be used in the risky environment like ITER. To give an thought of how rough is the environment that the nosologies system will see, Table 3 is shown in Appendix for farther mention. In choosing the stuff for the nosologies system, the cardinal choice standards would be radiation opposition. ITER would utilize fibre ocular transmittal near the plasma. During merger, a few meters of overseas telegram will be subjected to important radiation flux, hence, radiation opposition for optical wavelengths would be a consideration. In the IR and the seeable part of electromagnetic moving ridges[ 38 ], stuffs such as silicon oxides fibre with optimized fluorine-doped nucleus will supply dependable fiber-optic transmittal in the high-radiation vacuity vass ( 42 ) . However, it is non advisable to utilize optical fiber inside the vacuity vass because embrittlement may happen at high degree of irradiation and in the vacuity vass and the fiber in the vacuity vas will hold to work outside its preferable part of electromagnetic moving ridges as mentioned above. In order to go through the fiber into the vacuity vass, a more optimal stuff must be searched for. In order to go throug h the wire into the vacuity vas into the ITER device, a multi nucleus ( 57 fibers ) device that can be remotely handled is being developed. For insulating ceramics[ 39 ]of wire, the wire and the magnetic spiral, it is non a large job as there is assuring campaigners exist. Single crystal and polycrystal aluminum oxide ( Al2O3 ) can be considered as the insulating ceramics with careful pick of operating temperature scope ( 32 ) . In fact, Al2O3 will be used throughout for the electrical dielectric of the constituents around the ITER. It is non expected that the stuff will see important debasement of its strength over its life-time in the reactor. However, it is of import to observe the effects of irradiation on the electrical belongingss of the electrical constituents and the dielectric stuff. Two of the of import physical consequence would be radiation-induced conduction ( RIC ) and radiation induced electrical debasement ( RIED ) ( 26 ) . The RIC consequence for the campaigner stuffs had been shown in Table 6 in Appendix. However, overall, there is no serious debasement of the belongingss that might impact the public pr esentation and the safety of the stuffs provided the careful choice of stuffs. For RIED, nevertheless, it is still non being understood yet, hence more R & A ; D must be done ( 43 ) . Mineral insulating ( MI ) overseas telegrams[ 40 ]are extremely immune to radiation every bit good and are widely used in atomic reactor ( 44 ) . Therefore MI overseas telegrams will be a suited campaigner for the magnetic spiral and overseas telegrams. The Windowss used in the nosologies system is besides subjected to radiation. The belongingss that are of concern when choosing the diagnostic window is radiation induced soaking up ( 26 ) . Sapphire can be considered as better stuffs for the Windowss when subjected to shorter wavelength as compared to fused silicon oxide due to its tolerance to gamma radiation[ 41 ]. However, diamond will be as the best stuff for nosologies Windowss as it can digest radiation from GHz part to IR part ( 32 ) . For plasma-facing optical component ( mirrors and reflectors ) , the mirrors will frequently confront with the job of deposition of scoured stuffs from other in-vessel constituents and subjected to intense radiation. Careful pick of mirror stuff must be made. For majority metal mirrors, the radiation and neutron might non present a serious menace although excess attention still hold to be taken to cover with the atomic warming ( 26 ) . The pick of stuff for majority metal mirrors can be Cu, W, Mo, SS or Al. For dielectric coated mirror, neutron irradiation can take to flaking and vesiculation and will damage the mirror. The similar job will happen with the multi-layer mirrors. Therefore, choice must be careful. Suggested stuffs for dielectric coated mirror are HfO2/SiO2 and TiO2/SiO2 ( 32 ) . For inorganic X-ray crystal, it will be unaffected by the neutron irradiation. Suggested stuff is graphite ( 43 ) . Bolometer is a device mensurating the power of electromagnetic radiation and therefore will be installed in ITER every bit good. Bolometer of stuff made of isinglass as the substrate and gold as meander used for JET is possible to be reintroduced in ITER as the testing of the bolometer is the JET reactor is non a job. However, the gold meander thought to hold been broken due to the transubstantiation and substrate puffiness ( 43 ) . Therefore, for ITER, alternate meander such as Pt will be considered. But the design for ITER at the minute still keep Mica as substrate and Gold as meander ( 32 ) , though more R & A ; D had been planned look intoing the possible substrate stuffs such as Al2O3, aluminum nitride ( AIN ) , CVD diamond, KU1 fused silicon oxide and Si3N4.MagnetsThe magnets, without uncertainties, are the most of import and critical component in a magnetic parturiency atomic merger power works. The spirals must be designed to accomplish superior public presentation in footing s of the current denseness and field at minimal cost without compromising the quality of the magnets ( 45 ) . Therefore, the choice of stuffs for the magnet remains a really important portion in a reactor like ITER. The pick of the magnets will be depend on the field, temperature and current. Among the suited stuffs that can be used to construct the superconductor magnets here are Nb3Sn and NiTi. Nb3Sn has a higher critical temperature and field than its opposition. However, NiTi is more malleable and the twist techniques are more conventional ( 32 ) . For cardinal solenoid and toroidal field spiral, the selected stuff is Nb3Sn because it allows these spirals to run at 12 T while being cooled by the supercritical He. Harmonizing to ( 45 ) , Nb3Sn is the lone stuff that is capable of supplying 12 T which is far more beyond that other commercially available superconductor but it will hold to undergo complex fabrication procedure which will be explained in the undermentioned reappraisal. For ITER, it is of import besides to guarantee that there is minimal hysteresis loss with high current denseness. NbTi will be selected for poloidal field spiral ( 46 ) . The construction of the toroidal field and the cardinal solenoid will be a lesion in a form of battercake and utilize the engineering ââ¬Ëwind, react and transportation ââ¬Ë while for the construction of poloidal field spiral, the construction will be like dual battercakes ( 12 ) . Figure: Typical Agreement of Conductors Strand and Filaments ( 32 ) The music director jacket plays an of import structural function for the magnets. For poloidal field spiral, the fiction of the jacket will be an bulge subdivision which is assembled by butt welding. As a consequences, the tensile emphasis will rule here and 316L ( N ) austenitic steel is selected as the stuff for polodial field spiral music director jacket ( 12 ) . On the other manus, cardinal solenoid is extremely stressed and it will necessitate to rhythm twice per pulsation from 0 to 13T magnetic field. Therefore, the stuff for cardinal solenoid music director jacket demands to hold high output strength and high weariness opposition and have to be co-reacted through Nb3Sn heat intervention[ 42 ]. Titanium will be preferred stuff for cardinal solenoid music director jacket because it is preferred for a co-reacted jacket holding a thermic contraction coefficient that is near to that of Nb3Sn strands as the strand superconducting belongingss will be decreased by strain ( 32 ) . Besides Ti, Incoloy 908 will undergo precipitation indurating during co-reaction holding a high weariness opposition and is besides a suited stuff for the jacket music director. However, it is excess sensitive to emphasize accelerated grain boundary oxidization[ 43 ]( SAGBO ) which will ensue in O demands during the heat intervention procedure ( 32 ) and hence the heat i ntervention furnace must be controlled to keep low concentrations of O ( 47 ) . It is besides indispensable that the music director will be insulated with glass-kapton when being heat treated to guarantee good insularity ( 45 ) . Therefore, finally, Incoloy 908 will be used to envelop the overseas telegram although it is new and need to be co-reacted with Nb3Sn under carefully specified conditions ( 48 ) . Figure 7 in Appendix can be referred to see the overall cardinal solenoid clearly. The item fabrication procedure and weaving engineering is further discussed at ( 48 ) . For toroidal field spiral, the music director jacket can be built from modified 316LN[ 44 ]steel tubing which has a higher thermic contraction during co-reaction and acceptable break stamina. As such the big mechanical burdens on the toroidal filed spiral can be overcome by edifice of the thick steel spiral instances around the superconductors weaving battalion. These instances will see high emphasis locally with a cyclic constituent due to its interaction with poroidal field spiral ( 32 ) . The insularity of toroidal field spiral will utilize the same stuff as cardinal solenoid which is glass-kapton tape. The item fabrication procedure and weaving procedure of toroidal field spiral can be explored at ( 49 ) . Furthermore, to forestall fast fatigue cleft growing in steel due to the temperature of 4 K coolant of liquid He go throughing through it[ 45 ], a to the full established steel of category 316 must be used. Just to accomplish this intent, a particular category of strengthened austenitic steel have been defined. They are given name as EK1, EC1, JJ1, and JK2 during the R & A ; D of ITER. These steel are formed by increasing its N content which will increase the strength of the stuff and increasing its manganese content to increase nitrogen solubility in order to keep a good welding. EK1 and JJ1 will be used to beef up the interior leg basic elements[ 46 ]of toroidal field spiral instance and articulations around the spiral and intercoil construction. JK2 will be used to reenforce the Ti cardinal solenoid music director jacket. EC1 is used to beef up outer leg basic elements[ 47 ]of toroidal field spiral. ( 32 )External Heatinghypertext transfer protocol: // w/content/com/Lists/WebsiteText/Attachments/17/heating_4.jpg Figure: Proposed External Heating of ITER ( 17 ) The heating beginning of the merger power reactor must non be neglected every bit good in footings of stuff choice. This is because the external warming will be responsible to supply more than 10 % of the 50 MW input power of the merger power works. It is besides responsible to heat the temperature of the plasma up to the desired 150 million Kelvin. As mentioned in Section 2.1, there will be 2 beginnings of electromagnetic moving ridges that are responsible to heat up the plasma. Therefore, it is required to construct 2 radio-frequency aerial. The aerial will hold to prolong long continuance of plasma operation utilizing the high powers with the aid of Lower Hybrid Passive Active Multi-juntion ( PAM ) microwave launcher[ 48 ]. For ITER, there is already a pre-installed aerial. Therefore, another aerial had to be built from the abrasion and this might move as the mention for building of future merger power works ( 36 ) . The chief stuff challenge here is to manufacture a multi-waveguide construction for the moving ridge transmittal from the electromagnetic moving ridge generator to the vacuity vas. In ITER, the construction will necessitate the machining of Cu to the chromium steel steel by brazing. The fabrication of such devices face with a figure of proficient troubles which the chief troubles being the detonation bonding between the Cu and chromium steel steel for dual and ternary beds of stuff would deformed by the residuary internal emphasis after heat intervention and machining. Therefore, a particular brazing tool is required. A Gallic company, CEA, had proposed a engineering whereby the brazing tool allows commanding of the constituent contact force per unit area at high temperature under vacuity. ( 36 ) However, there is another type of electromagnetic moving ridge warming in ITER. It functions like a microwave with the lone difference being the microwave operates at megawatt power. It is called Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating ( ECRH ) and it will heats the negatron utilizing an electromagnetic moving ridge of 170 GHz, the resonating frequence of the negatrons and the negatrons will so reassign its energy to the plasma ( 17 ) . Among the designs, there is a design that requires a ââ¬Å" square corrugated wave guide â⬠. If such wave guides is needed, rapid chilling will be required every bit good as the power transmitted by the moving ridge is high[ 49 ]. Such device does non presently exist and therefore will post a stuff challenge of holding a wave guide that is corrugated with high tolerance and welded under vacuity tight status ( 36 ) . However, there is presently a paradigm of wave guide being tested at such high power and the consequence is really satisfactory. The company involved here is the Heeze Mechanics. Due to a design alteration of ITER, a wave guide as mentioned above might non be required for the minute ( 36 ) . Therefore, the suited stuff for such wave guide is non investigated here.Remote HandlingRemote handling is highly of import in ITER as explained in Section 2.1 and all the stuffs involved in the vass will non be replaced manually on-site but will be repaired remotely. It is expected that the divertor will undergo serious eroding and is expected to be replaced 3 times during the life-time of ITER ( 36 ) . Therefore, DTP2 installation will be built in ITER to transport out all distant managing occupations. This will move as an in-vessel conveyance system to take and reinstall any harm faculties. The inside informations of how distant handling will assist to mend the vass are discussed in great inside informations at ( 50 ) and ( 51 ) . The stuff used is non specified here but it involved the usage of automaton and progress electronics that is available at current engineering.Cooling SystemThe chilling system in a merger reactor must be really advance as it is required to chill and pull out a theoretical power of 500 MW. However, the chilling system here will non present a job to a merger reactor like ITER. This is due to the fact that the current engineering can manage a atomic fission power works that let go ofing 1000 MW of end product power. The choice of stuff for the coolant of the merger power reactor can be every bit simple as H2O. Although there is other proposed design whereby the coolant selected will be liquid Li and it will acts as both the tritium breeder and coolant in a merger power works ( 25 ) , nevertheless, ITER will be utilizing the H2O as its chief coolant to pull out the heat energy. The status of the H2O used here are of 3.8 ââ¬â 4 MPa with inlet temperature of 140 Aà °C and outlet temperature of 190 Aà °C with speed of about 5 m/s ( 31 ) . The H2O chilling system will be arranged to go around the cover faculty, the heat sinks, the divertor, the divertor cassette, the genteelness cover and the vacuity vas. The piping of the chilling system will be unstained steel[ 50 ]. However, it is of import that note that the B content in the steel will bring forth He as waste at topographic points where the steel is stopping points to the H2O chilling channels. Therefore, the B content in steel used for in-vessels chilling pipe must be reduced to 0.0010 % , so that the He coevals can be minimised. For all the magnetic spirals, it is indispensable that they are cooled by ace critical He of approximative 4 K.DiscussionDecisionMentions
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Say Youââ¬â¢re One of Them
In many respects, the worldââ¬â¢s attention has shied away from modern Africa in recent years, most likely due to the unsteady domestic situations in other parts of the world. Recently, however, the collection of stories written by Uwem Akpan, Say Youââ¬â¢re One of Them, has brought back to the forefront all of the pain and challenge of life in Africa at the present time. The humanity that comes through the words not only tugs at the heartstrings of the reader, but also makes strong statements about cultural conflict, class struggles and other social phenomena. This research will not only discuss Akpanââ¬â¢s work, but also these intertwined issues within the work. Ultimately, the work will be better appreciated and understood, but also, modern issues will be brought to light. Discussion of the Various Issues of Cultural Conflict within the Story When the research was introduced, the point was made that Akpanââ¬â¢s work was not only deeply emotional, but also makes strong cultural statements. Taking that assertion a step further is possible when using specific examples from the work to identify and discuss the various aspects of cultural conflict to be found in the story. The first of the areas of cultural conflict which emerges in the work is the vast divide between the economic classes within modern Africa. An early story in the work tells of a young boy whose sister turns to street prostitution in order for him to be able to afford to attend school- a blatant attempt to escape the lower class and ascend in African society. So intense is this desire to advance that extreme measures are taken by poor Africans to make ends meet: ââ¬Å"When Baby was born, we pawned three quarters of his clothes to defray debtsâ⬠(Akpan, 2008, p. 13). Therefore, fellow Africans are in fact culturally divided along economic lines, despite hailing from the same homeland. Language is also a dividing factor in modern day Africa, or more specifically, the way that someoneââ¬â¢s voice sounds not only could set them apart from others in a cultural context, but in fact could lead to bodily harm for those of one culture who encounter opposition from another, as seen in this excerpt from the work: ââ¬Å"He was an easy target for the sporadic violence that seized the landâ⬠¦a simple thing like his accent could give him awayâ⬠(Akpan, 2008, p. 93). This is an interesting element of cultural conflict in a highly diverse continent- it is a unique type of situation whereby someone who merely speaks in a different way than others could in fact set them apart and lead to fractured subcultures, but that is exactly what Akpan is portraying. Additionally, there is a subculture of violence that is prevalent in the Africa of today; to be m ore specific, much of Africa is ruled at the present by wealthy warlords, who essentially build their own armies and make their own rules for their own advancement. Basically, these individuals are using force to alienate and oppress their own fellow Africans, keeping the weak in a state of poverty and preventing them from possible improvements that would allow them to surpass their oppressors: ââ¬Å"Our northern generals are responsible for the extreme poverty in the landâ⬠(Akpan, 2008, p. 314). Therefore, we see the establishment of a new culture of the powerful over that of the weak. This culture is likewise somewhat restrictive, as the penalty for trying to escape it would be brutality at best, and death at worst. Changes in the Culture in the Story In Say Youââ¬â¢re One of Them, there are sweeping changes to African culture that can be seen when looking more closely at the points that are made in work; the culture is essentially shifting from one of proud traditions and an embracing of the diversity of the various nations of the continent to a more divided one, where differences in economic status, language and ability to fight back against those who have the power to destroy one another has taken precedence (Mwaria, et al, 2004). An important point needs to be made here- although what is happening in Africa according to Akpan is certainly distressing, it is not unique to Africa, nor is it limited to lands where opportunity is less than widely available. This can be pointed out with a look into other cultures where division is complicating matters at present. A Study of Other Cultures Like Africa, the United States is a melting pot of different cultures and also like Africa, has encountered its share of culture clash in recent years. This conflict has taken place in several diverse cultures and has divided people in several different ways. First, along lines of ethnicity, the US has seen a renewed level of awareness of the fundamental differences in human beings as a result of the horrific terrorist acts of September 11, 2001 on American soil. Because of this pivotal event, those wishing to immigrate to the US from other nations, whether legally or illegally, have met with opposition ranging from disdain to outrage and acts of unwarranted violence (Moser, 2000). It would seem that like Africa, the diversity of culture that made America such a unique place has been watered down in a flurry of prejudice, fear and false impressions about one ethnic group or another. Instead of introducing new cultures into the American landscape and then allowing them to assimilate into the prevailing American culture, people are being excluded from the opportunity to do so from the beginning, not only depriving them of opportunity, but also stifling the advancement of American society from within. Politically, Americans have also formed subcultures that of late have been in a great deal of conflict. Recent years have seen differences in political mindset become key issues that instead of bringing these individuals together for the sake of healthy debate, have in many cases divided individuals to the detriment of the political process (Shogan, 2002). From time to time, this difference has also turned volatile in more than one instance as wars of words sometimes turn into acts of violence. Lastly, class envy is also alive and well in America, creating cultural conflicts, especially given the current dire economic climate in the world. Tied closely to the political issues of the nation, economically diverse people are commonly divided by a lack of understanding of each otherââ¬â¢s culture- a culture defined by money and privilege or the absence thereof. Overall Analysis of the Reading Akpanââ¬â¢s book opened the eyes of the researcher in many ways, not the least of which was in terms of gaining an understanding that cultural differences can either create a wonderful blend of different traditions and ideas or can divide people and lead them to destroy others. This realization evoked in the researcher the feeling that diversity must be embraced, lest its power consume and destroy one culture at the hands of another. Conclusion The research has made important points about culture, diversity, and the perpetual change of the human condition. In conclusion, perhaps the best point to take away from the research is the fact that without a tolerance at least and embracing at best of diversity, no one can truly be free.
Friday, September 27, 2019
The correlation between race and child obesity Research Paper
The correlation between race and child obesity - Research Paper Example Many researches have been carried out to understand the reason behind the increase in prevalence of obesity among children. The aim of this paper is to compare two articles discussing the research about the role of racial background in the development of obesity among children. The validity of the information in an article depends not only on the credentials of the author but also on the efforts taken by the author to reach the depth of the topic discussed. The two articles that are included in the study are: 1) ââ¬Å"Racial and Ethnic Differentials in Overweight and Obesity Among 3-Year-Old Childrenâ⬠by Kimbro, Brooks-Gunn and McLanahan and, 2) ââ¬Å"UCSF study finds racial gaps in child obesityâ⬠by Allday. The analysis of the articles ââ¬Å"Racial and Ethnic Differentials in Overweight and Obesity Among 3-Year-Old Childrenâ⬠(by Kimbro, Brooks-Gunn and McLanahan) and ââ¬Å"UCSF study finds racial gaps in child obesityâ⬠(by Allday), revealed that the racia l background is one of he major factors of development of obesity in a child as parents from different racial background harbor different beliefs about obesity and this influences the weight of a child. ââ¬Å"Racial and Ethnic Differentials in Overweight and Obesity Among 3-Year-Old Childrenâ⬠by Kimbro, Brooks-Gunn and McLanahan, is an excellent article which provides an in depth information about the effect of racial background on the development of obesity in children. The authors of the article are qualified and have experience in the field of health science. The authors, Kimbro, Brooks-Gunn and McLanahan, are working with University of Wisconsin, Columbia University and Princeton University, respectively. Their experience has helped them to reach the depth of the topic by studying different aspects of childrenââ¬â¢s life which could affect the development of obesity in them. The study discussed in the article is comprehensive and is based on
3.Case Study Transformation at the Universal Manufacturers Group Coursework
3.Case Study Transformation at the Universal Manufacturers Group - Coursework Example The merger is expected to place the group at the same caliber with other competitive companies. The management hopes to reap the benefit accrued with economies of scale. Max Weber expounded on the classical theory and emphasized that there was no need of organization diversifying (Powell, 2003, p.42). In his line of thought, an organization can be successful so long as there are clear lines of authority and control. Weber gave credit on the importance of division of labor. Division of labor will enhance an organization productivity and cut-off some expenses. This however will result to the transformation of the entire human resource. The director of human resource director Mrs. Smithers is faced with challenges on how to transform the current human resource functions while still remain in focus with the organizationââ¬â¢s vision, mission, goals, and objectives. UMG is facing two key problems in its human resource transformation. Since it wants to merge the three companies into one based in the newly located headquarter in Reading, England, human resource that was available will have to be downsized. The retrenchment of some employees will be the only way out in ensuring that UMG gets value for its resources. However, retrenchment of the employees should be done on a fair ground. Perhaps the best way to go about would be Mrs. Smithers sending circular to each department on the issue of downsizing, so that who are willing voluntarily to resign can be given the chance. Torrington, and Hall (1998, p.76), argued that proper procedures should always be in place on how to layoff, employees who voluntarily resigned and those who will be ââ¬Å"forcedâ⬠to resign. This is because if employees are not taken care during the retrenchment period this might have a negative reputation of an organization. Frederick Herzbergââ¬â¢s motivation-hygien e theory identifies job security as one of hygiene factor that will motivated the employees. Frederick
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Peaceful Coexistence Policy and the Changing Personalities in Soviet Essay
Peaceful Coexistence Policy and the Changing Personalities in Soviet Leadership - Essay Example However, not all policies resulted in failure and devastating suffering (Allen 1964). One notable exception was the policy of Peaceful Coexistence instituted by Khrushchev. Until then, the country had been led by Josef Stalin. Under Stalinââ¬â¢s leadership, many oppressive and rigid policies were put in place. After his death, there was a significant incentive to revise them as they had weakened Soviet standing, both abroad and at home. The United States had outpaced the Soviet Union in the nuclear arms race (Mc Dougall 2000). The Soviet Union was surrounded by United States bases located all over Europe. As a result, the Soviet Union had to buy time so as to catch up with its rival. Peaceful Coexistence was the perfect resort. By declaring its interest in peace, the Soviet Union could fend off any likely attacks from the United States at its weakest hour. By no means was Khrushchev a radical departure from Stalin. However, small changes took place, and they were the embodiment of the policy of Peaceful Coexistence. These small changes and how the person at the top helped brought them about shall be at the centre of this writing. Stalin was a dictator. He used all means, mostly brutal, to achieve his selfish aims. He eliminated enemies at an alarming rate and with great ferocity. Its worth pointing out that the name Stalin means ââ¬Ëman of steelââ¬â¢. His brutality was evident in the way that he expelled Trotsky from the Communist party. He subsequently organized for his murder even while in exile, in Mexico City. He did not believe in political competition (Allen 1964). He eliminated several of his close allies. When his son tried to commit suicide unsuccessfully all he could say was, ââ¬Å"the idiot can not even shoot straightâ⬠. From this character, it would also be fair to assume that the Soviet Union would also take on a more aggressive attitude to international affairs. On the political front, the Soviet Union under Stalin dealt brutally wi th Poland. They corrupted the politics of Soviet member countries like Poland and Ukraine. Generally, the Soviet Union under Stalin was a reflection of the man himself, brutal. Enter Khrushchev; an extremely different man when compared to Stalin. He could tolerate a little competition. He closed the Gulag labor camps which had thrived under Stalin. He criticized Stalin as a brutal despot. His preference to indulge in negotiations is well documented. Taking after his character, the Soviet Union also adopted a more conciliatory tone with regard to international conflicts. When the fate of East Berlin was at stake, he issued a sixth month deadline which he subsequently withdrew in the interests of peace. His approach to the Cuban Missile Crisis is also worth mention. In the depth of the Cold War, he clandestinely stacked nuclear weapons in Cuba, a few miles off the United States border (Mc Dougall 2000). After this plan was unmasked by the Kennedy administration, he respectfully abided by the truce. These differing approaches to politics in the Soviet Union directly derive from the leader at the helm. This is very much in consonance with the Soviet maxim that the revolution begins at the top. With regards to economic affairs, the approach also depended on the attitude and character of the leader at the helm. Under Stalin, the Soviet Union depended entirely on agriculture. It was Stalinââ¬â¢
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Statutory Analysis Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Statutory Analysis Report - Essay Example In this scenario, Joe citizen is liable for the offence of having drunk alcohol and at the same time using a public right of way. The arrest by the policeman is warranted, and Joe ought to be charged with the offense of riding the bicycle while drunk. While riding in a drunken state, Joe put the lives of other drivers at risk, and also violated the law that prohibits persons from operating a motor vehicle while drunk. Under the New Hampshire motor vehicle laws, it is illegal to operate a motor vehicle when oneââ¬â¢s blood alcohol content is higher than usual. Thus, Joe is guilty of the offence he committed since the reading in the meter is higher than the legal (Stevens, 2012). Besides, it is an offence to operate a bicycle while drunk since the laws that apply to drinking under the influence in New Hampshire also apply to the riding of bicycles under the influence. Every person found drunk while operating a bicycle in the roads of New Hampshire ought to be subjected to the same rules, which apply to the driver of any other motor vehicle. This is because, under the laws of New Hampshire regarding motor vehicles, the rules of the road cover even those who operate bicycles. As such, Joe is not an exception and the penalties that apply to the offenders who do not obey the motor vehicle rules in New Hampshire will also operate to him. As a judge, I would recommend that Joe be fined for riding a bicycle on a state highway while drunk. Imposing a fine on him would be a good step towards ensuring that he does not commit such an offence in the future (Stevens, 2012). In the case of Jim, he rode on a horse-drawn wagon on a public highway while he had drunk until he passed out. He violated the law since he travelled along a public highway, which can easily be accessed by the public. Although Jim was drunk, he was not directing the wagon himself as he had fallen asleep owing to the alcohol he had drunk. As a judge, I would treat the
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Socio-Technical Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Socio-Technical Systems - Essay Example Throughout the various stages involved in this case study, its success was highly shaped by the organizationââ¬â¢s social system. Before the E-File system was adopted by the company, its workers were frustrated with the level of service they received. The workers termed this as ââ¬Å"deteriorating serviceâ⬠as their issues were not addressed in time. Those that were injured at work had to wait for a long period of time for their claims to be processed, a process that was greatly tiring and time consuming. This meant that the level of relationship between the workers and the organizationââ¬â¢s administration was strained. However, the adoption of the new technological system was a breath of fresh air to all. The E-File system was swift and convenient. The workers claims could now be processed in a timely manner. This helped in saving time for both the workers and the management, a time that could now be used in carrying out other organizational activities (Golden-Biddle, 2 ). According to Golden-Biddle (2), human beings organize themselves into the different kinds of social groupings they interact with in everyday situations. In this case, the workplace can be considered as a social grouping in which the company workers associate with everyday. When carrying out the transition from the paper based work processes into the more technical E-File system, the companyââ¬â¢s social system played a vital role in shaping its final outcome (Parker, 6). As such, the companyââ¬â¢s staff was in a position to consult amongst one another on how the new system worked. Though much of the staff was already highly skilled on the new tasks at hand, those that did not understand the technical aspect of the new system were in a position to learn from those that already had more knowledge and expertise in the system. This ensured that no worker was left behind in the evolution from the paper based process into the new paperless system. At the same time, the workers we re in a position to learn how the system worked from a much better perspective when taught by their co-workers than from the technical experts. The insurance management understood that it would highly depend on the ability and willingness of its employees to develop new work practices and skills in order for this new project to take effect. This meant that the organization had to find ways through which any interference or hindrance to these changes could be eliminated (Stebbins & Shani, 17). As such, the company devised new ways through which they could appeal to the employees socially and dampen whatever fears they had in regards to the project. In order to achieve this, the company recognized the need for reassure its workers that they would not be affected by the technological changes. To this effect, the insurance company negotiated a provision within the collective employment agreement and a wage protection for its entire staff that would be affected by the technological chang e within the organization (Parker, 5). In this case, the technical system interacted perfectly with the social system in shaping the outcome of this new project. After the implementation of these new provisions, more workers embraced the new system. This is because they felt that their social surroundings were safe and were not on the verge of collapsing (Stebbins & Shani, 28). This new agreement demonstrated that the employees would be given the support and time that they would require to learn how the new syste
Monday, September 23, 2019
The Two( Gloria Naylor) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Two( Gloria Naylor) - Essay Example Such perceptions of relationships between women may harm the traditional gender role of a woman in a society or it may harm the status of relationship between the women. The story revolves around the main characters of Lorraine and Theresa, who just moved in Brewster Place. Soon, the other people in the community discover their intimate relationship with each other which results in mass violence. Their relationship turns a new dimension when Lorraine is brutally raped by the some men from the community. Under this sudden trauma, she kills Ben, who protected the two women from the other men. Sophie plays a key role in igniting the flame of violence and spreading the rumors about the two women in the community. The entire story revolves around the intolerance developed by the society against these women and particularly about the sensitive subject of homosexuality. Some cultures take it as normal but it is not the case in American society. Homosexuality is considered as a Taboo in major parts of America. The chapter clearly represents the mental approach of people and their hostile attitude towards the women which nullifies the concept of freedom in a
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Hammer Wines Business Report Essay Example for Free
Hammer Wines Business Report Essay Introduction Colin Hammer, after arranging an independent review, has found that many of his employees have been avoiding work and other responsibilities by searching the Internet for non-work related amusements. This act is known as cyber slacking and it is said to cost companies billions of dollars each year and often results in managers blocking or limiting access to certain websites. Concerned for productivity, this report will outline the current usage and array of sites potentially being used by the Hammer Wines employees. The sites include those for entertainment or work purposes, and restrictions based on these findings should be implemented. These restrictions must be forever changing and expanding, as each website has a different effect on the varying departments its respective employees. These modifications will also affect the productivity of Hammer Wines and will be discussed in the report by making an ââ¬Å"internet useâ⬠policy. Findings Department Spending Most Time on the Internet Cyberslacking is a prominent occurrence amongst the Hammer Wines employees. However, of all employees, the Receptionists spent the longest time on the Internet throughout the one-week trial (see figure 1.0 below). This may or may not be detrimental to Hammer Wines. Often, receptionists complete their work before their set time, meaning that if theyââ¬â¢re browsing the Internet, still answering their phone and have completed required work, productivity will remain normal. Studies also show productivity can increase when employees are less restricted with the Internet. This productivity can swing both ways. Negative productivity will be detrimental to Hammer Wines if the receptionist fails to multitask and therefore ineffectively completes required jobs. Internet Productivity and Cyberslacking From the array of websites (see figure 1.1 below) it is difficult to tell if Cyberslacking is present at Hammer Wines. This is because many websites, such as and, are huge social marketing websites, but can also used as a cost effective methods for company awareness and advertising. These sites, however, can also be misused for personal use. Unless the employee is caught directly misusing these sites, it is hard to tell weather they are cyberslacking or not. is one example of Cyberslacking. It is Hammer Winesââ¬â¢ second most visited Internet site, being used by Sales and Marketing, Reception, Manufacturing and Distribution, Human Resources @ Training and IT Services. Sales and Marketing are the only employees likely to need the site for work purposes. For all other departments, employees must use for personal interests. Websites, including are often used for both work and leisure. Reception, Human Resources @ Training, Manufacturing and Distribution, Sales and Marketing are all using this site. Assumptions cannot be made in relation to website use. Human Resources @ Training, Manufacturing and Distributing, and Sales and Marketing departments all have valid work-related grounds to use, as it is great for promotional and comparative purposes. IT Services were found to be using A total of 120 minutes was recorded throughout the week. This is a website purely dedicated to fun and games. This is the seventh most used website recorded. Although it is only a small fraction of the Internet usage, it is clear that productivity has decreased in the IT department, and through the given statistics, Cyberslacking is present. Similarly, was used by the Sales and Marketing department, for up to 80 minutes throughout the recorded week. is a betting website and has nothing to do with the Sales and Marketing of Hammer Wines. However, productivity can be increased in the workplace, with employees having some freedom on the Internet. The use of social media and other personal websites can release stress and tension, thus not wholly being to the determent of Hammer Wines. Conclusion Hammer Wines has a vast array of websites being used by employees for both personal and work use. Cyberslacking is present amongst all employees, with websites aimed at socialization and productivity which both highly used. This, however, is hard to monitor as some sites ââ¬â such as or are used in the companies Sales and Marketing department, but also used in recreational down time by most, if not all, other departments. It is important for Hammer Wines to implement a strategy to monitor all Internet usage. Receptionist work productivity remained high in correlation to time spent on internet, however, it was obvious the Cyberslacking was overruling the IT department, as they spent 120 hours over the duration of the week on a games and entertainment website. Solution Internet Use Policy Hammer Wines should enforce an ââ¬Å"Internet User Policyâ⬠in the employees contract, defining the terms of use for recreational Internet. Any employee found misusing the Internet for purposes strictly other than work, may lead to disciplinary action, and their position at the company may be compromised. Blocking Sites Permanently blocking all Internet sites at Hammer Wines could result in a drop in productivity. Alternatively, a system that allows employees to have an allocated time throughout the day, to specifically visit sites such as and will allow staff members to have high productivity through compromise and strategy. One example of strategic blocking is unblocking all websites for 15 minutes every 3 hours, enabling employees to use restricted sites that coincide with structured break times (lunch, snack and end-of-day). A second option for Hammer Wines is to block all websites, only allowing those who hold a position of authority (manager) or employee that has spoken to someone in a position of authority, to get a specific code to access a blocked website. This code then unblocks all sites and remains unblocked until the page is exited. This could be implemented when departments wish to use sites such as for marketing or promotional purposes.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Luscious literary elements Essay Example for Free
Luscious literary elements Essay All well written stories are composed of specific elements that capture the readers imagination and thoughts. An author is usually identified by a definitive style, whether it be romance, historical, the use of suspense, and even biographical. Successful authors such as Washington Irving, use particular literary elements including a well thought out and instructive theme, characterization, and setting. These helped compose a story that would entertain and maintain the readers interest. In the story Rip Van Winkle, Irving focused upon an intuitive theme or insight about human life that is revealed in a literary piece. Irvings ability to construct a creative setting or time and location in which a story takes place, allowed the readers ability to effectively focus upon the story. While the theme and setting played significant roles in maintaining the readers interest, his use of effective characterization or process by which the writer reveals the personality of a character, helped in obtaining the readers imagination through out the story. Irvings ability to appeal to the readers senses effectively establishes the setting. Visual descriptions such as when the weather is fair and settled they are clothed in blue and purple and small yellow bricks allowed the reader to quickly visualize the setting. Irvings use of emotive language, by introducing words such as henpecked husband, squabbles, and evening gossiping, allowed the reader to identify emotions and feel part of the story. The effective use of auditory senses added interest to the setting, such as the birds were hopping and twittering through out the bushes and the noise of the balls, which, whenever they were rolled, echoed along the mountains like rumbling peals of thunder. The use of time and location played an important part of the waking of Rip Van Winkle, the author makes use of this to describe to the reader the changes that have occurred over the twenty-year span. The use of appealing sensory descriptions through out the story allowed the reader to become i nvolved and stay connected to the setting and characters. Irvings usage of characterization was certainly effective and powerfulà through the story. Rip Van Winkle was described as a very likeable character that was willing to assist any neighbor even in the roughest toil, but found it impossible to do his family duties and keep the farm in order. He would help build stone fences, husk Indian corn, and run errands for the village women. However, on his own farm he declared, it was no use of work. Irving allowed the reader to view the differences of characters and the effects they had upon one another by placing two different personalities together. Rip had a happy disposition, unlike his wife who henpecked her husband and had a tart temper. By placing two very unlike characters together, it led to many disagreements and fights. By the end of the story the reader should have felt compassionate towards Rip due multiple situations he was placed in by the author. Irving introduces a theme and was able to maintain an interest from the beginning of the story to the end. Time doesnt stand still for anyone or anything, and if one doesnt take opportunity one is offered, it may be lost forever. Irving demonstrated this by the use of twenty-year span in which Rip falls asleep, and wakes to a whole different environment. Some of his long time friends have aged considerably and some have even died during this period. The author uses this to demonstrate how important it is to make use of the moment and not allow time to slip away. Washington Irvings use of these elements created a very descriptive and enjoyable story to read. He effectively intertwined these elements together to maintain the readers focus and interest in the story. The use of a well thought out theme, detailed descriptive setting, and interesting contrast of characterization all effectively combined forming a classical tale.
Friday, September 20, 2019
People Employed For Shift Work Social Work Essay
People Employed For Shift Work Social Work Essay Over the last decade in India , boom in the IT and the BPO sector brought about an increase in the number of people employed for shift work . Employers face tough competition from other companies and the global business environment . In order to increase productivity and to make themselves available to employers and consumers based abroad , many companies work round the clock and have made provisions for night shift work . Increase in job opportunities in this sector has also given rise to dual earner families and more women entering the work force , working in day shifts as well as non standard work hours . This paper focuses on women who work in the night shift . While night shift jobs may have its perks and financial benefits , there are many disadvantages that add to the stress of the daily life of the employees . To explain night shift schedule , it can be defined as work schedule that is full time , extending after midnight with atleast 8hours and 5 days work , which means that the employees are expected to work in the dark and sleep during the day , bringing in major alterations to their life styles and the life styles of those living with them . Night shift work can vary in terms of fixed or rotating patterns . In a fixed schedule , the employee works in the night shift on a permanent basis , where as in a rotating schedule , the employee alters between day shifts , evening and night shifts depending on the arrangements made by the employers . Physical and mental Health There have been numerous studies conducted to examine the effects night shift work has on health , sleep , circadian rhythms and mental health . Findings from research studies that explore health disorders of shift workers stated that there is a relationship between certain medical disorders and shift work . Evidence stated that heart and gastro intestinal problems and complications in pregnancy outcomes , ulcers were some of the medical disorders commonly faced by shift workers (Knuttson 2003 ) .A study conducted on nurses working in 2 the night shift reported that shift workers have a higher prevalence of physiological problems like digestion problems caused by change in eating patterns, inadequate sleep , fatigue , colds , muscle pains , cramps and heart problems . Disturbance to the normal sleep cycle or the circadian rhythms is likely to cause shift work sleep disorder (SWSD), especially when employees are working in the night shift for prolonged periods . Insomnia and excessive sleepiness while working non standard schedules are the primary signs of SWSD . Desire to take short naps , dozing off while at work , shorter and lowered quality of sleep , poor work performance , reduced mental accuracy are some of the negative effects brought about by SWSD , which inturn leads to the expression of psychological syptoms like irritability , anger , erratic mood and depression . A study conducted on dairy workers in India working in the night shift examined stress levels , health and mood states and provided evidence that night shift workers face higher work stress , negative mental health outcomes and life stress . Role over load , increased work -home conflict , role ambiguity were significant indicators of increased stress levels and mood states . Findings also indicated that night shift work did increase physcial , physiological , psychological and social problems when compared to day shift workers (Srivastava , 2010 ) . There has been an upsurge of interest in studying mental health effects of shift workers .Early research studies have shown evidence that night shift work is associated with depression . Findings from a study that examined the effects of physical health and mental depression due to night shift in nurses revealed that disruption in the circadium rhythm has a direct influence on physical health and depression , reducing quality of life and affecting work performance and social relations . Another model in this study suggested that job schedule limited participation in social activities , affecting social and personal life leading to depression . (Skipper Jung , 1990 ) . Burn out , lethargy , exhaustion , irritability , anger or psychological symptoms like irritability , depression not only affect personal well being , 3 but can also affect ones social life and satisfaction of their marital relationship (Fam , Econ Iiss , 2007) . The negative consequences that affect physical , psychological , psychosocial well being can seep into the workers marriage , reducing the quality , stability and satisfaction of marital relationship adding to existing stressors . Since this paper focuses on marital satisfaction of night shift workers and the strategies they use to make their marriage work , the definition of marital satisfaction will help gain an understanding as to what this paper purports to examine and the aspects that need to be considered . According to Stone (2007) Marital satisfaction reflects a mental state of percieved benefits and costs of a marriage to a particular person . The more costs the partner inflicts on a person , the less satisfied one generally is with their marriage and with their marriage partner . Similarly the greater the percieved benefits are , the more satisfied one is with their marriage and their marriage partner . Some of the components that come under marital satisfaction would be leisure time spent together , communication , conflict resolution etc . But the challenges that shift workers have to face in their marriage is to face new demands posed due to their work schedule . This would involve them to make ad justments on the home front , especially for female employees , since they have added roles and responsibilities to perform . For a marriage to work , one of the important aspects of marital satisfaction is leisure time spent together . But for a night shift worker , because of the work schedule , quality time and the quality of leisure time spent together would be lower . Quality time would involve the married partners to indulge in favoured activities and pursue shared interests . Weekends seem to be the only time workers could indulge in leisure time with their partners . For a night shift worker , weekends would be used to recuperate from the weeks stress , which could lead to lowered quality of leisure time spent together . Leisure satisfaction especially if the leisure activities performed are favoured by the couple is related to marital satisfaction (Heather , Zabriskie , Hill Brian , 2009) Also , Contribution to 4 leisure time by night shift workers in their marriage would be less because of the disruption between the workers time off and the familys time off . Work would come in the way of some of the familys rituals , for which the worker would be absent or too tired to be part of , like being present at the table at meal times , going out together , attending community events etc . The worker would either be working into the night or would be sleeping and recuperating from work . Social and community life . Since most community and social activities take place in the evening , a night shift employee would probably find difficulty in making time for such events. While weekends provide time to engage in social activities , a night shift employee might be too tired and may not be able to give in fully to social activities as their schedule and life style causes inconvenience to enjoy a social life and for the couple to participate in community activities . In a study that was conducted on families of workers working a modern shift roster , 67.2% of employees reported that night shift work frequently intervened in their social life . This could result in the worker having poor social support in the long run , unless the worker can maintain a balance between work and time for socialization . Social support also helps improve a persons psychological state , their mood and feelings about themselves . Women shift workers challenges . A changing work force has led to an increase in women entering the work force and women opting for non standard work schedule , challenging traditional roles that women held and bringing about changes in family dynamics . The challenges that a woman shift worker has to face is to fulfill multiple roles ie to fulfill family and role obligations , needs and expectations of the family , fulfill social obligations by being part of community activities and fulfill responsibilities at the work front . Women face more role strain when compared to men as a result , night shift work exacerbates and intensifies the stress that women employees have 5 to face . For a married woman night shift worker maintaining work to home balance and reducing work-home conflict would be a major hurdle . Cambridge dictionary defines work-home balance as the amount of time you spend doing the job compared with the amount of time you spend with your family and doing things you enjoy . Shift work is linked with work-home conflict and this conflict is faced more by women when compared to men (Tuttle Garr , 2012) . Barnett and Baruch ( 1985 ) define.role balance as rewards minus concerns , more rewards recieved from a particular role and less concerns experienced would lead to a positive role qualtiy where in lower levels of role conflicts,role overload and anxiety is faced . Considering that employed women working the night shift face role strain , rewards recieved in one of the roles could reduce role conflict and stress and increase well being . If family support is one of the positive role quality on the home front , it is likely that job involvement and control over job would increase . Following role theory , Greenhaus (2003) in his theory of work-home balance , describes work home balance as a continuum where in imbalance in family role lies on one end and balance in work role lies at the other . Greenhaus theory on work family enrichment includes three concepts . Time balance ie equal time invested , Involvement balance ie psychological effort and physical presence expressed and Satisfaction balance ie rewards and satisfaction recieved from both work and family front . Frone (2003) views work-family balance as bi directional . Engaging in one role or domain can either create conflicts or enhances the other domains . Involvement in the family role can either enhance the work domain or create conflicts in the work domain and involvement in work domain can wither create conflicts or enhance the family domain . Stress . Bodenmann ( 2005 ) defines stress as a dyadic phenomenon which involves common 6 concerns , emotional intimacy between the partners and maintaining a close relationship . Dyadic stress concerns a stressful event which confronts the couple , the source of stress could be external , originating between the couple like job stress , culture , society , other relations etc , or could be internal , originating within one of the partners or when the stress of one of the partners seeps into relationship . The impact stress has on one couple will be different for another . It is therefore important to take into consideration the locus of stress , duration and intensity of stress . The locus of stress could either be external or internal . When there is an interaction between the social environment and the couples relationship causing conflicts and internal stress originates within the couple relationship like job stress , personal needs and desires etc .Intensity of stress can be either major or minor and can be measured based on the impact the stressor has had on the relationship and the duration of stress can be seen as acute or chronic ie temporary or prolo nged Bodenmanns stress divorce model analyses the effects minor daily stressors , acute or chronic in nature , on stability and functioning of marital relationships . External stressors , those coming outside the couple system can prove to be more damaging to relationships . such external stressors are usually outside of couples conscious awareness and are minor stressors (time spent together , communication) and not major (critical life events), causing mutual alienation over time , if the stressor is persistent , causing dissatisfaction with the marital relationship ,eventually leading to divorce . According to Bodenmann , external stressors cause impact on marital relationships by decreasing the amount of time spent together so that there are fewer joint expereiences between the couple leading to a lowered feeling of togetherness , poor coping at times of stress . This would eventually lead to a poorer quality of communication and interaction . Interaction between the couple would be largely negative , driving the couple to withdrawing from each other . These stressors leading to deterioration in the quality and stability of 7 marriage would later increase risk of physical and psychological problems like trouble sleeping , sexual dysfunction etc . The impact and reaction to these stressors would eventually lead to negative expression of emotions between the couple like anger , anxiety , increasing conflicts . This entire process would lead to couples alienating and withdrawing from each other . The situation they have landed themselves in would lead to marital disatisfaction , eventually leading to divorce if the problem persists . Bodenmanns model can be applied to a shift workers marriage . Since night shift schedule makes it inconvenient for the couple to indulge in shared experiences and quality time . The job schedule and stress from the job can be seen as a stressor that doesnt permit quality time between the couple . The couple might feel that the amount of time spent together is less eventually leading to poor quality of interaction . When joint experiences shared are lower and the amount of interaction between the couple is low , there could be instances when one of the partner feels lonely and might percieve that the quality of their marriage is deteriorating leading to expression of negative emotions like anger , frustration , sadness . Eventually appraising their marriage as dissatisfying . The effects that shift work has on the physical and mental health of workers can seep into their marital relationships . They sleep during the day when the entire household is active which disturbs their sleep adding to marital distress . Psychological symptoms like irritability , depression can bring down the level of satisfaction of their marriage . Since they feel tired and fatigued frequently , engaging in leisure activities with their spouses becomes difficult . With there being hardly any time for contact , communication becomes difficult between the spouses , which is essential in a relationship . There are many problems that night shift work poses to a workers marriage . This study seeks to find strategies that workers who are satisfied in their marriages use to overcome problems induced by night shift work . 8 Rationale : There have been studies conducted to understand and analyse the impact shift work has on the lives of employees , their physical and mental health , social life and their families .With many of the problems faced by shift workers being covered , this study seeks to gain insight into what makes a shift workers marriage work and explores strategies they use to make their marriage work and to study how night shift employees maintain work home balance . 9 Review of literature Following studies discussed analyze the effects shift work has on health , general well being , and on marital relations . This study analyses the impact that non standard work hours versus standard work hours has on marital satisfaction in five domains which are global distress , problem solving communication , time together , sexual dissatisfaction and affective communication , measured by marital satisfaction inventory , which is a 280 item questionaire that assesses certain domains of marital satisfaction .30 employees who worked the day shift and 20 night shift employees at Western Union in New jersey were selected for the study . The research was built around 5 hypotheses . Hypotheses 1 predicted that day shift workers when compared with non day shift workers would display higher levels of marital satisfaction . Hypotheses 2 predicts that day shift workers would express better problem solving communication and there would be fewer conflicts in their marriage when compared to non day shift workers . Hypotheses 3 predicted that the time spent in quality and leisure time by day shift workers with thei r spouses would be higher when compared to non day shift workers . Hypotheses 4 predicts that day shift workers would experience higher levels of sexual satisfaction with their spouses when compared to non day shift workers .Hypotheses 5 predicted that day workers would be more content in their marriage because of the affection and understanding provided by their spouses . ( Lauf-Goldstein ,1990) research findings could not support the predictions of any of the hypotheses . Unlike many other studies on shiftworks influence on marriage , this study proved that there was not much difference in marital satisfaction between day shift and non day shift workers. The study summarises the effects and consequences of shift work while discussing some of the benefits of shift work ( Finn ,1981). The information for this article is derived from many of the studies conducted on employees who work non standard hours in and 10 outside the U.S.A . Some may accept night shift work because of lack of job opportunities while some would use their night shift work schedule as an opportunity to hold a part time day job as well or pursue education during the day . Night shift work also provides for financial incentives and accomodates employees who function better at night than during the day . The drawbacks are that it takes a toll on ones health , interfering with the normal sleep cycle and reducing the quality of sleep and appetite and causing physical and emotional problems . On the job accidents would also rise if the employees would have to handle machinery . In terms of family life , shift workers experience more work home conflict because of the discrepency between the workers time off and the spouses time off . The workers spouse would have to adjust to the shift workers job schedule and would have to alter their patterns to their working spouses atypical pattern inorder to be able to spend quality time for leisure , meals and recreation . This would take a toll on the mental and physical health of the shift workers spouse especially if theyre working the day shift . The time a shift worker gets to spend time with family could also be poor in quality because they experience fatigue and sleepiness and would find difficulty in carrying out normal activities with their spouses or would show less interest in attending social events or go out together to spend quality time . Sexual activity is another aspect that is interfered by night shift work .In terms of social life , it becomes difficult for a shift worker to attend events for which theyre invited by their friends . It becomes difficult for the spouse to plan any social activity before hand . From this article it becomes evident that shift work impairs ones physical and mental health , their family life , job safety and social life . A study conducted in Netherlands examines the effects non standard shifts have on partnership quality through semi structured interviews . Findings reveal that women were more dissatisfied with varying hours , especially if they had children , as it created stress 11 when compared to men . Men found varying hours more comfortable for tag team parenting . The research explored into the relationship between non standard hours and its effects on marriage . The results indicated a weak link between non standard shift and relationships indicating that non standard work hours did not reduce relationship quality. The study also found that partner support in families with night shift workers , expressed more satisfaction with their relationship which reduced the negative effects that non standard work has on relationships ( Mills Kadri , 2010) . This study assessed both percieved family well being and stressors influenced by non standard work schedule in two studies (Kelly , Amy David , 2008). The goal of this study was to assess work-family spill over and whether the spill over was positive or negative and if working non standard work hours decreased marital instability . The study was conducted on 1166 people aged between 25 74 . Findings of the study revealed that night shift work increased marital instability and also increased negative work home spill over , which are the attitudes , experiences of work transferred to home . Since night shift work can come in the way of ones sleep cycle causing fatigue and stress , the stress gets carried into the workers family life .Stress increases with the presence of a child at home since workers have the added responsibililty to care for the child and causes stress at a daily level . This study investigates the association between shift work and family satisfaction and goes a step further by including people from different work backgrounds into their sample instead of analysing people from one company or a particular type of work . This study also examines different categories of shift from day , evening , night , rotating to split shift and hypothesises that workers experience family satisfaction in degrees , with satisfaction being higher for day shift and lessens as it progresses towards split shift . The study also examines the relationship between the number of work hours , job autonomy and nature of job on family satisfaction . Findings indicated that being in a non standard , non flexible job reduced 12 family satisfaction , especially for evening and night shift workers (Davis , Goodman , Piretti Almeida , 2008). The study also revealed that job autonomy and the nature of the job and work atmosphere resulted in high family satisfaction , since work family spillover would be less . 168 fire personnel from 3 working shifts were part of this study . The purpose of this study was to examine the effects that the 3 types of shift work has on emotional exhaustion as it pertains to work family conflict and social support (Jonathon Halbesleben , 2009). The subjects were made to complete measures on emotional exhaustion , work family conflict and support and demographic controls .The study revealed that work to home conflict increases when the shift work is more demanding and when time spent at home is less . This work home conflict can also contribute to emotional exhaustion in fire fighters . The support that an employee recieves from ones family can break down the stress that an employee faces at night shift work . The study suggests that the schedule should make allowance for the employees to be able to spend more time at home , so that with quality time spent with family could lead to building emotional support for the night shift employee . This research study examines the relationship between shift work and work to family fit . The study hypothesis that employees working in the non standard shift would have poor work to family fit when compared to those employees working in the day shift or flexible hours and also examines if negative work home spillover would be less if the employees had control over their work schedule . The study took 2008 national study of workforce to examine the influence shift work has over employees . (Tuttle Garr 2012) indicated that shift work did largely influence work home conflict , especially in female employees even if the control over shift schedule was more . In the case of men , the results revealed that men had less work to family conflict when they had a greater control over their schedule . 13 This study examines the effects of shift work on marital quality on six domains . Marital happiness , interaction , disagreements , general problems , sexual problems and child related problems (White Keith 1990) . National panel of 1668 men and women were interviewed.. The result revealed that shift work does have a negative impact on marriage . Every domain that the study examined were also affected negatively due to shift work . This study investigates the effects night shift has on marital relations (Messer , 1992) . 65 married men , with 19 full time employees at grocery stores and 46 full time employees of the southern california state departments were chosen for the study.. The employees worked consistent morning , evening , night and rotating shifts . Marital satisfaction inventory was used to assess the level of marital satisfaction / distress . Findings revealed that night shift workers experienced higher work home conflict when compared to day shift workers . The study predicted that people working in consistent day shifts , evening shift , night shift ,and inconsistent rotating shifts would experience different levels of job satisfaction . The results suggest that employees working different shifts express different levels of job satisfaction , with rotating shift workers being most dissatisfied with their work schedule because of the inconsistency of the work schedule . The impact of different timings of work and rotating shift on Work home conflict , job satisfaction and health among the military police is the focus of the study . The study was conducted on 3122 Dutch military police . (Demerouti , Sabine , Arnold Euwema , 2004) revealed that non day shift work resulted in work home conflicts . The findings also revealed that employees from the rotating shifts experienced low job satisfaction since it is inconsistent . Consistency in the timing of shift even if its a non standard work hour didnt result in low job satisfaction when compared to rotating shifts , but only incr eased work home conflict . An article in hindustan times reports that night shift work can disrupt ones life in many ways . David maumes research on the effects of shift work on marriage suggests that 14 both men and women feel that night shift work affects and strains their marital relations . Women are more affected than men by shift work due to role strain . It becomes difficult for them to manage time and to fulfill responsibilites at home , engage with their family members and care for them when compared to men causing strain in their marriage and increasing work -home conflict . The study is built around three themes .Economic trade offs , family routines and emotional adjustments (Handy ,2010) . With night shift work comes financial benefits . In many families , the members have to adjust around the shift workers routines and patterns , spouses would have to give up their own jobs so as to manage family life . Financial benefits comes in handy , making it comfortable to rely on the shiftworker while the spouse takes care of the family , resorting to traditional family roles .the study also focuses on emotional health of the shift worker . The physiological and psychological effects of shift work could take a toll on ones emotional well being In terms of family routines , the workers had little knowledge of the family routines , since the spouse takes prmary responsibilty to ensure that the family members rituals fall in line with the workers . This shows the amount of effort spouses expend to make the marriage work and play a part in reducing work to home c onflicts Psychopathological symptoms caused by night shift work and its influence on the quality of life of health workers is examined in this study (Dusunen ,2010) . 45 nurses working the night shift were the sample for this study . Symptom checklist and short form 36 was used to measure psychopathological symptoms and quality of life . Night shift nurses reported higher scores for somatization , obsessive compulsive , interpersonal sensitivity , anxiety , paranoid ideation and global severity scores than day shift workers . Shift work also reduced the quality of life and the night shift nurses scored higher on pain and physical function . The studys implications were to improve the quality of life of the nurses by adjusting their work schedule , keeping in mind the influence night shift has on their 15 psychological state. While most studies indicate that night shift work can reduce marital satisfaction and increase work home conflict , there are few studies which have proved that night shift work doesnt affect marital relationships . Employees with better control over their schedule and job autonomy and job satisfaction showed having a better family life and marital satisfaction as work home conflict is less . Greenhaus and powell (2006) came up with a theory called work to family enrichment , a concept that explains that being able to manage time , carrying over the positive mood from work back home and using networks from work to help their families lessened work to home conflict . Some studies also indicate the possibility that couples working the night shift score high on marital satisfaction because they already have conflicts with their spouses , not induced by working the night shift . They find night shift work convenient as they can avoid conflicts at home and interacting with their partner s . 16 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This chapter presents results in a tabular format following content analysis . The responses were coded , categorized and placed under a broad category of themes . Following each table expansive responses as examples are provided by the participants , representing each theme . Analysis . Content analysis for the first question Mention some of the advantages of working in the night shift revealed 5 themes and are mentioned in a table below . 20 Table 1.Mention some of the advantages of working in the night shift Category Sub categories Number of responses Advantages of night shift. More pay 5 Travelling easier 4 Find time for chores 3 Husband has experience 2 in the same field. The second most frequent theme which accounted for 40% of the responses is easy commuting while working in the night shift . Respondent 9 stated that , Respondent 3 stated that travel time to office and back home is less and the roads are relatively empty while getting out says respondent 8 . Travelling to and from work becomes more convenient as traffic will be smooth and the stress involved in travelling 21 reduces considerably. 30% of the participants responses falls under a category termed as Find time for chores . These participants find night shift work favourable as it allows time to complete chores during the day . The following response given by respondent 9 will help describe this theme . Table 2 Can you list the problems you face working in the night shift Category Sub category Frequency of responses Disadvantages of night shift. Less time with partner 15 Health issues 14 Partner frustrated. 4 Worries about having a baby. 4 Normal routine affected 4 22 Relationships and friendships 2 affected. Analysis for this question revealed 6 themes under the category Disadvantages of night shift. The most apparent theme seen as a disadvantage of
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